Книга: Выгорание
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Hultell, Melin, and Gustavsson, “Getting Personal with Teacher Burnout”; Larrivee, Cultivating Teacher Renewal.


Watts and Robertson, “Burnout in University Teaching Staff”; Cardozo, Crawford, et al., “Psychological Distress, Depression.”


Blanchard, Truchot, et al., “Prevalence and Causes of Burnout”; Imo, “Burnout and Psychiatric Morbidity Among Doctors”; Adriaenssens, DeGucht, and Maes, “Determinants and Prevalence of Burnout in Emergency Nurses”; Moradi, Baradaran, et al., “Prevalence of Burnout in Residents of Obstetrics and Gynecology”; Shanafelt, Boone, et al., “Burnout and Satisfaction Among US Physicians.” Другой метаанализ выявил диапазон выгорания у специалистов блока интенсивной терапии от 0 до 70 %. Van Mol, Kompanje, et al., “Prevalence of Compassion Fatigue Among Healthcare Professionals.”
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