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Ссылки на источники 18-ой части:

[1] Zhao Kejin, “The Road of Peaceful Development: A Paradigmatic Breakthrough,” People.cn, Nov. 11, 2009, . [趙可金:〈和平發展道路:模式的突破〉,《人民網》] [In Chinese]

[2] PLA National Defense University et al., Silent Contest, 2013 June, . [國防大學等:《較量無聲》] [In Chinese]

[3] “Testimony of Arthur Waldron,” in “U.S.-China Relations: Status of Reforms in China,” Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, April 22, 2004,

[4] Chris Giles, “China Poised to Pass US as World’s Leading Economic Power This Year,”

Financial Times, April 29, 2014

[5] Chen Liangxian and Su Haoyun, “Overseas Ports in Vogue: How Do Chinese Enterprises Choose Strategic Locations?,” The Paper, August 17, 2017, . [陳良賢,蘇顥雲:〈海外港口熱:中企如何布局?〉,《澎湃新聞》] [In Chinese]

[6] Derek Watkins, K.K. Rebecca Lai, and Keith Bradsher, “The World, Built by China,” The New York Times, November 18, 2018,

[7] Andrew Sheng, “A Civilizational Clash With China Comes Closer,” Asia Global Institute, The University of Hong Kong, January 16, 2018,

[8] Wu Xinbo, “Reflections on the Study of Neighborhood Diplomacy,” World Affairs, 2015 Issue #2, . [In Chinese] [吳心伯:〈對周邊外交研究的一些思考〉,《世界知識》]

[9] “Power and Influence: The Hard Edge of China’s Soft Power,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, June 5, 2017,

[10] “Sam Dastyari Resignation: How We Got Here,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, December 11, 2017,

[11] “In Depth: How Much Influence Do China’s Donations Have on Australia? Should Political Donations Be Banned?,” SBS News, September 12, 2016, . [深度:中國捐贈對澳洲影響有多大?外國政治獻金是否該禁?] [In Chinese]

[12] Mareike Ohlberg and Bertram Lang, “How to Counter China’s Global Propaganda Offensive,” The New York Times, September 21, 2016,

[13] Jonathan Pearlman, “US Alarm over Aussie Port Deal With China Firm,” The Strait Times, November 19, 2015,

[14] Tara Francis Chan, “Rejected Three Times Due to Fear of Beijing, Controversial Book on China’s Secret Influence Will Finally Be Published,” Business Insider, February 5, 2018,

[15] Christopher Walker and Jessica Ludwig, “From ‘Soft Power’ to ‘Sharp Power’: Rising Authoritarian Influence in the Democratic World,” in Sharp Power: Rising Authoritarian Influence (Washington, D.C.: National Endowment for Democracy, 2017), 20,

[16] 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper, Australian Government, 2017,

[17] Caitlyn Gribbin, “Malcolm Turnbull Declares He Will ‘Stand Up’ for Australia in Response to China’s Criticism,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, December 8, 2017,

[18] Chen Yonglin, [陳用林] “Chen Yonglin: Australia Is Becoming China’s Backyard?,” The Epoch Times, September 2, 2016, . [陳用林:〈陳用林:澳大利亞正在淪為中國的後院〉,《大紀元新聞網》] [In Chinese]

[19], [20], [21], [22] Clive Hamilton. Silent Invasion: China’s influence in Australia (Melbourne: Hardie Grant, 2018), Chapter 1.

[23] Clive Hamilton, Silent Invasion: China’s influence in Australia, Chapter 3.

[24], [25], [26] Lin Ping, “Disclosing China’s Sharp Power: Part X, New Zealand,” Radio Free Asia, September 25, 2018, . [林坪:〈揭祕中國銳實力(十)紐西蘭〉,自由亞洲電台] [In Chinese]

[27] Lin Tinghui, “The Dragon in Strange Waters: China’s Diplomatic Quagmire in the Pacific Islands,” Journal on International Relations Issue #30, July 2010, p. 58, . [林廷輝:〈龍在陌生海域:中國對太平洋島國外交之困境〉,《國際關係學報》,第三十期(2010年7月)] [In Chinese]

[28] John Henderson and Benjamin Reilly, “Dragon in Paradise: China’s Rising Star in Oceania,” The National Interest, no. 72 (Summer 2003): 94–105.

[29] Ben Bohane, “The U.S. Is Losing the Pacific to China,” The Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2017,

[30] Josh Rogin, “Inside China’s ‘Tantrum Diplomacy’ at APEC,” The Washington Post, November 20, 2018,

[31] China’s Central Asia Problem, Report No. 244, International Crisis Group (February 27, 2013),

[32] Wu Jiao and Zhang Yunbi, “Xi Proposes a ‘New Silk Road’ With Central Asia,” China Daily, September 8, 2013,

[33] Raffaello Pantucci and Sarah Lain, “China’s Eurasian Pivot: The Silk Road Economic Belt,” Whitehall Papers 88, no. 1 (May 16, 2017),

[34] “China’s Central Asia Problem,” International Crisis Group.

[35] “Kong Quan: China Supports Uzbekistan’s Efforts for National Security,” People.cn, . [〈孔泉:中國支持烏茲別克斯坦為國家安全所做努力〉,人民網] [In Chinese]

[36] Benno Zogg, “Turkmenistan Reaches Its Limits with Economic and Security Challenges,” IPI Global Observatory, July 31, 2018,

[37] Jakub Jakóbowski and Mariusz Marszewski, “Crisis in Turkmenistan: A test for China’s Policy in the Region,” Center for Eastern Studies (OSW), August 31, 2018,

[38] Eiji Furukawa, “Belt and Road Debt Trap Spreads to Central Asia,” Nikkei Asian Review, August 29, 2018,

[39] “Tajikistan: Chinese Company Gets Gold Mine in Return for Power Plant,” Eurasianet, April 11, 2018,

[40] Danny Anderson, “Risky Business: A Case Study of PRC Investment in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan,” The Jamestown Foundation, China Brief 18, no. 14 (August 10, 2018),

[41] Juan Pablo Cardenal and Heriberto Araújo, China’s Silent Army: The Pioneers, Traders, Fixers and Workers Who Are Remaking the World in Beijing’s Image (New York: Crown Publishing Group, 2013), Chapter 2.

[42] Lindsey Kennedy and Nathan Paul Southern, “China Created a New Terrorist Threat by Repressing Secessionist Fervor in Its Western Frontier,” Quartz, May 31, 2017,

[43] Xu Jin et al., [徐進等] “Making ‘Strategic Pivots’ for China’s Border Security,” World Affairs 2014 Issue #15, pp. 14–23, . [徐進等:〈打造中國周邊安全的「戰略支點」國家〉,《世界知識》,2014年15期,頁14-23][In Chinese]

[44] Therese Delpech, Iran and the Bomb: The Abdication of International Responsibility (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006), 49.

[45] Cardena and Araújo, China’s Silent Army, Epilogue.

[46] Seyed Reza Miraskari et al., “An Analysis of International Outsourcing in Iran-China Trade Relations,” Journal of Money and Economy 8, No 1 (Winter 2013): 110–139,

[47] Scott Harold and Alireza Nader, China and Iran: Economic, Political, and Military Relations (Washington, D.C.: RAND Corporation, 2012), 7,

[48] “The Commercial Foundation to Bypass the ‘Malacca Dilemma’: How to Ensure the Effective Operation of the China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipelines,” The First Finance Daily, July 22, 2013, . [〈繞過「馬六甲困局」的商業基礎——如何保證中緬油氣管道有效運營〉,《第一財經日報》] [In Chinese]

[49], [50] Li Chenyang, “China-Myanmar Relations since 1988,” in Harmony and Development: Asean-China Relations, eds. Lim Tin Seng and Lai Hongyi (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2007), 54.

[51] “China’s Myanmar Dilema,” Asia Report No.177 (Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2009), 1,

[52] “After Two Years of Inactivity, the China-Myanmar Crude Oil Pipeline Is Finally Opened,” BBC Chinese, April 10, 2017, . [〈閒置兩年後 中緬原油管道終於開通〉,《BBC中文網》] [In Chinese]

[53] Zhuang Beining and Che Hongliang, “China-Myanmar Signs the Framework Agreement for the Kyaukpyu Deep-water Port Project,” xinhuanet.com, November 8, 2018, . [莊北甯,車宏亮:〈中緬簽署皎漂深水港專案框架協定〉,《新華網》] [In Chinese]

[54] Lu Cheng, “China-Myanmar Economic Corridor: An Emerging Approach to Myanmar’s Development,” Guangming Net, September 17, 2018, . [鹿鋮:〈中緬經濟走廊:緬甸發展的新興途徑〉,《光明網》] [In Chinese]

[55] Lin Ping, “Disclosing China’s Sharp Power,” Part XI, European Politics,” Radio Free Asia, . [林坪:〈揭祕中國銳實力(十一)歐洲政界〉,《自由亞洲電台》] [In Chinese]

[56], [57] Jason Horowitz and Liz Alderman, “Chastised by E.U., a Resentful Greece Embraces China’s Cash and Interests,” The New York Times, August 26, 2017,

[58] Jan Velinger, “President’s Spokesman Lashes Out at Culture Minister for Meeting with Dalai Lama,” Radio Praha, October 18, 2016,

[59] Lin Ping, “Disclosing China’s Sharp Power (Part XI), European Politics,” Radio Free Asia, November 5, 2018, . [林坪:〈揭祕中國銳實力(十一)歐洲政界〉,《自由亞洲電台》] [In Chinese]

[60] “German Blue Book: China’s Non-Financial Direct Investment in Germany Has Grown Substantially,” sina.com.cn, July 9, 2017, . [〈德國藍皮書:中國在德國非金融直接投資大幅增長〉,《觀察者網》] [In Chinese]

[61] Chinese Influence and American Interests: Promoting Constructive Vigilance (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 2018), , 163.

[62] Philip Oltermann, “Germany’s ‘China City’: How Duisburg Became Xi Jinping’s Gateway to Europe,” The Guardian, August 1, 2018,

[63] “Chirac: A Man Who Loved China,” China Net, March 20, 2007, . [〈希拉克:熱愛中國的人〉,《中國網》] [In Chinese]

[64] The True Jiang Zemin, Chapter 9, “The War of Greed (Part I),” The Epoch Times, . [聯合寫作組:《真實的江澤民》,〈第九章 貪戰(上)〉,《大紀元新聞網》] [In Chinese]

[65] Nick Timothy, “The Government Is Selling Our National Security to China,” Conservative Home, October 20, 2015,

[66] Holly Watt, “Hinkley Point: The ‘Dreadful Deal’ behind the World’s Most Expensive Power Plant,” The Guardian, December 21, 2017,

[67] Lin Ping [林坪] “Disclosing China’s Sharp Power (Part XII) Economic Infiltration in Europe,” Radio Free Asia, November 12, 2018, ; “Disclosing China’s Sharp Power (Part XIII) The Encroachment of Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech in Europe,” Radio Free Asia, November 12, 2018, . [林坪:〈揭祕中國銳實力(十二)在歐洲的經濟滲透〉,《自由亞洲電台》] [〈揭祕中國銳實力(十三)歐洲學術、言論自由〉,《自由亞洲電台》] [In Chinese]

[68] Jack Hazlewood, “China Spends Big on Propaganda in Britain … but Returns Are Low,” Hong Kong Free Press, April 3, 2016,

[69] Thorsten Benner et al., “Authoritarian Advance: Responding to China’s Growing Political Influence in Europe,” Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI), February 2018,

[70] Christophe Cornevin and Jean Chichizola, “The Revelations of Le Figaro on the Chinese Spy Program That Targets France” [“Les révélations du Figaro sur le programme d’espionnage chinois qui vise la France”], Le Figaro, October 22, 2018, . [In French]

[71] “German Spy Agency Warns of Chinese LinkedIn Espionage,” BBC News, December 10, 2017,

[72] Serge Michel and Michel Beuret, China Safari: On the Trail of Beijing’s Expansion in Africa (New York: Nation Books, 2010), 162.

[73] Reuben Brigety, “A Post-American Africa,” Foreign Affairs, August 28, 2018,

[74] “Not as Bad as They Say” The Economist, October 1, 2011,

[75] Joseph Hammond, “Sudan: China’s Original Foothold in Africa,” The Diplomat, June 14, 2017,

[76] Zeng Yong, “A Strategic Analysis of China’s Dealing with the Darfur Crisis,” Arab World Studies, November 2012 Issue #6, . [曾勇,〈中國處理達爾富爾危機的戰略分析〉,《阿拉伯世界研究》] [In Chinese]

[77] “Beijing Shows Hospitality to the Wanted Sudanese President Bashir,” Radio France Internationale (RFI), June 29, 2011, . [〈北京盛情款待遭通緝的蘇丹總統巴希爾〉,《法廣》] [In Chinese]

[78] According to “China’s Path of Peaceful Development” by the Information Office of the State Council, as of 2005, China had waived the debts of forty-four developing countries, totalling about 16.6 billion yuan. . [In Chinese]

[79] Pan Xiaotao, “Chinese, Get Ready to Give Out More Money,” Apple Daily, August 31, 2018, . [潘小濤:〈中國人,請準備再大撒幣〉,《蘋果日報》] [In Chinese]

[80] “Ministry of Commerce: 97 Percent of Products in 33 Least-Developed Countries in Africa Enjoy Zero Tariffs,” China News, August 28, 2018, . [〈商務部:非洲33個最不發達國家97%的產品享受零關稅〉,《中新網》] [In Chinese]

[81] Jia Ao, “China Gives Africa Big Bucks Again and America Gets Alert,” Radio Free Asia, September 3, 2018, . [家傲:〈中國再向非洲大撒幣 美國警覺〉,《自由亞洲電台》] [In Chinese]

[82] Quan Ye, “A Dialogue With Wang Wen: From the Theory of Spending Money to the Real Problem Behind the Misconstrued New Colonialism,” Duowei News, September 2, 2018, . [泉野:〈對話王文:從撒錢論到「新殖民主義」誤區背後的真問題〉,《多維》] [In Chinese]

[83] Cai Linzhe, “Ethiopia Is Learning the ‘Chinese Model,’” Phoenix Weekly, May 15, 2013, . [蔡臨哲:〈埃塞俄比亞學習「中國模式」〉,《鳳凰週刊》] [In Chinese]

[84] Andrew Harding, “Correspondence from Our Reporters: ‘A New China’ in Africa,” BBC Chinese, July 27, 2015, . [安德魯‧哈丁:〈記者來鴻:非洲出了個「新中國」〉,《BBC中文網》] [In Chinese]

[85] Si Yang, “To Win the Right to Speak and Export the ‘Chinese Model,’ China Resorts to Different Means in Europe-America and Asia-Africa,” Voice of America, December 7, 2018, . [斯洋:〈爭奪話語權,輸出中國模式,中國影響歐美和亞非方式大不同〉,《美國之音》] [In Chinese]

[86] Ted Piccone, “The Geopolitics of China’s Rise in Latin America,” Order From Chaos: Foreign Policy in a Troubled World, November 2016, 4 and 9,

[87] Alfonso Serrano, “China Fills Trump’s Empty Seat at Latin America Summit,” The New York Times, April 17, 2018,

[88] Translated from Chinese version of the paper by Jorge Blázquez-Lidoy, Javier Rodríguez, Javier Santiso, “Angel o demonio? Los efectos del comercio chino en los países de América Latina” [Angel or Demon? The Effects of Chinese Trade in Latin American Countries], [in Spanish].

[89] Jordan Wilson, China’s Military Agreements with Argentina: A Potential New Phase in China-Latin America Defense Relations, U.S-China Economic and Security Review Commission Staff Research Report, November 5, 2015,

[90], [91] Jin Yusen, “The CCP’s Dollar Diplomacy May Be the Last Straw,” watchinese.com, July 5, 2017, . [金雨森:〈中共金錢外交恐成為最後一根稻草〉,《看雜誌》] [In Chinese]

[92] “The CCP’s Huge Amount of Financial Aid to El Salvador Causes Anxiety for America,” NTD Television, August 22, 2018, . [〈中共巨額金援搶薩爾瓦多 引美國憂慮〉,新唐人電視台] [In Chinese]

[93] Huang Xiaoxiao, “Number of Confucius Institutes in Latin America and the Caribbeans Increases to 39,” People.cn, January 26, 2018, . [ 黃瀟瀟:〈拉美和加勒比地區孔子學院達39所〉,《人民網》] [In Chinese]

[94] Sharon Weinberger, “China Has Already Won the Drone Wars,” Foreign Policy, May 10, 2018,

[95] Rick Joe, “China’s Air Force on the Rise: Zhuhai Airshow 2018,” The Diplomat, November 13, 2018, /

[96] Huang Yuxiang 黃宇翔: “Chinese Drones, Whose Target Is America, Stun the Audience at Zhuhai Air Show,” Asia Weekly, November 25, 2018, Issue #46, Vol. 32, . [黃宇翔:〈中國無人戰機驚豔珠海航展亮相假想敵是美國〉,《亞洲週刊》] [In Chinese]

[97] “Pentagon Says Chinese Vessels Harassed U.S. Ship,” CNN, March 9, 2009,

[98] Barbara Starr, “Chinese Boats Harassed U.S. Ship, Officials Say,” CNN, May 5, 2009,

[99] Barbara Starr, Ryan Browne and Brad Lendon, “Chinese Warship in ‘Unsafe’ Encounter With US Destroyer, Amid Rising US-China Tensions,” CNN, October 1, 2018,

[100] Military Strategy Research Department of the Academy of Military Science: Strategic Studies, Beijing: Military Science Publishing House, 2013, p. 47. [軍事科學院軍事戰略研究部:《戰略學》(北京:軍事科學出版社,2013)] [In Chinese]

[101] Qiao Liang, “The ‘Belt and Road’ Strategy Must Take Into Consideration the ‘Going Out’ of Military Power,” 81.cn, April 15, 2015, . [喬良:〈「一帶一路」戰略要考慮軍事力量走出去問題〉,《中國軍網》] [In Chinese]

[102] Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2018, U.S. Department of Defense, May 16, 2018, , 46, 47.

[103] Benjamin Haas, “Steve Bannon: ‘We’re Going to War in the South China Sea … No Doubt,’” The Guardian, February 1, 2017,

[104] Lawrence Sellin, “The US Needs a New Plan to Address Chinese Power in Southern Asia,” The Daily Caller, June 5, 2018,

[105] Panos Mourdoukoutas, “China Will Lose The South China Sea Game,” Forbes, July 1, 2018,

[106] Michael Lelyveld, “China’s Oil Import Dependence Climbs as Output Falls,” Radio Free Asia, December 4, 2017,

[107], [108] M. Taylor Fravel, “Why Does China Care So Much about the South China Sea? Here Are 5 Reasons,” The Washington Post, July 13, 2016,

[109] Brahma Chellaney, “Why the South China Sea Is Critical to Security,” The Japan Times, March 26, 2018,

[110] Scott L. Montgomery, “Oil, History, and the South China Sea: A Dangerous Mix,” Global Policy, August 7, 2018,

[111] Hal Brands, “China’s Master Plan: a Global Military Threat,” The Japan Times, June 12, 2018,

[112] Lin Tinghui, “The Dragon in Strange Waters: China’s Diplomatic Quagmire in the Pacific Islands,” Journal on International Relations, July 2010, Issue #30, p. 58, . [林廷輝,〈龍在陌生海域:中國對太平洋島國外交之困境〉,《國際關係學報》第三十期(2010年7月)] [In Chinese]

[113] Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2018, U.S. Department of Defense, May 16, 2018,

[114] Huang Yuxiang, “Chinese Drones, Whose Target Is America, Stun the Audience at Zhuhai Air Show,” Asia Weekly, November 25, 2018, 第32卷 46期,, . [黃宇翔:〈中國無人戰機驚艷珠海航展亮相假想敵是美國〉,《亞洲週刊》,2018年11月25日, 第32卷 46期] [In Chinese]

[115] David E. Sanger, “U.S. Blames China’s Military Directly for Cyberattacks,” The New York Times, May 6, 2013,

[116] See in-depth analysis of this issue by Peter Navarro, director of the White House National Trade Council, in Crouching Tiger: What China’s Militarism Means for the World (New York: Prometheus Books, 2015).

[117] Steven Lee Myers, “With Ships and Missiles, China Is Ready to Challenge U.S. Navy in Pacific,” The New York Times, August 29, 2018,

[118] See San Renxing, “On the Bloody Company’s (CCP’s) Doomsday Mad Gambling,” The Epoch Times, [三人行:〈評血腥公司的末日瘋狂賭〉,《大紀元新聞網》] [In Chinese] and ; and Li Tianxiao, “If God Wants the CCP to Die, He Will Make It Mad First,” The Epoch Times, http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/8/17/n1021109.htm. [李天笑:〈神要中共亡 必先使其狂〉,《大紀元新聞網》] [In Chinese]

The two speeches allegedly made by the CCP general Chi Haotian (Minister of Defense, 1993-2003), “The War Is Coming to Us” and “The War Is Not Far from Us; It Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century,” appeared on the internet in 2003 and 2005 respectively. While it is difficult to verify their authenticity, critics generally believe that the speeches represent the true mentality of the Chinese Communist Party, and that they were deliberately released to gauge external reactions and intimidate enemies.

[119] Jonathan Watts, “Chinese General Warns of Nuclear Risk to US,” The Guardian, July 15 2005,

[120] Michael Pillsbury was surprised to find that, when Chinese scholars assess the country’s power, military strength accounted for less than 10 percent. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CCP changed its criteria for evaluating strength and incorporated factors such as economy, overseas investment, technological innovation, and natural resources. Michael Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower, Chapter 2.

[121] Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, “On the Beginnings of the Chinese Communist Party,” Chapter Two,

[122] Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare (Beijing: The PLA’s Literature and Art Press, 1999) [喬良、王湘穗:《超限戰》 (北京:解放軍文藝出版社,1999),頁1,頁62]. [In Chinese]

[123] Ibid., 6 [喬良、王湘穗:《超限戰》(北京:解放軍文藝出版社,1999),頁1,頁6]. [In Chinese]

[124] Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare and Anti-Unrestricted Warfare: How Will Americans Counter the Chinese New Strategy? (Beijing: Changjiang Literature and Art Press, 2016) [喬良、王湘穗:《超限戰與反超限戰:中國人提出的新戰爭觀美國人如何應對》(北京:長江文藝出版社,2016]. [In Chinese]

[125] Louisa Lim and Julia Bergin, “Inside China’s Audacious Global Propaganda Campaign,” The Guardian, December 7, 2018,

[126] Mao Zedong, Selected Works on Journalism (Beijing: Xinhua Press) [毛澤東:《毛澤東新聞工作文選》(北京:新華出版社,1983),頁182]. [In Chinese]

[127] “The CCP Spends Big Money Expanding Its Overseas Propaganda” [〈重金鋪路中共大外宣海外擴張〉,自由亞洲電臺,2015年11月5日],. [In Chinese]

[128] “China Spends 10 Billion Dollars on Overseas Propaganda Each Year” [〈中國每年用“100億美元推動外宣攻勢”〉,《BBC中文網》,2016年6月10日],. [In Chinese.]

[129] “Chinese President Xi Jinping Visits With CCTV America via Video Call,” CGTN, February 19, 2016,

[130] Yuan Jirong, “Chinese TV Series Are Trendy in Africa,” people.cn [苑基榮:〈中國電視劇熱播非洲大陸〉,《人民日報》,2015年1月5日,第3版],. [In Chinese]

[131] Koh Gui Qing and John Shiffman, “Beijing’s Covert Radio Network Airs China-Friendly News Across Washington, and the World,” Reuters, November 2, 2015,

[132] Louisa Lim and Julia Bergin, “Inside China’s Audacious Global Propaganda Campaign,” The Guardian, December 7, 2018,

[133] James Fallows, “Official Chinese Propaganda: Now Online from the WaPo!” The Atlantic, February 3, 2011,

[134] Donnelle Eller, “Chinese-Backed Newspaper Insert Tries to Undermine Iowa Farm Support for Trump, Trade War,” Des Moines Register, September 24, 2018,

[135] Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, “Beijing Builds Its Influence in the American Media,” Foreign Policy, December 21, 2017,

[136] “‘Occupy Central’ Reveals Red Infiltration, 142 of CCP’s Overseas Media Outlets Get Disclosed,” New Tang Dynasty TV [〈占中揭開紅色滲透 142家海外黨媒體瞬間曝光〉,《新唐人電視台》,2014年10月6日,]. [In Chinese]

[137] Jeffrey Gil, “Why the NSW Government Is Reviewing Its Confucius Classrooms Program,” The Conversation, May 17, 2018,

[138] Alexander Bowe, China’s Overseas United Front Work: Background and Implications for the United States, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, August 24, 2018, 5–6, , 14.

[139] John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, House of Representatives,

[140] Bowe, China’s Overseas United Front Work: Background and Implications for the United States, 5–6.

[141] Thorsten Benner et al., “Authoritarian Advance: Responding to China’s Growing Political Influence in Europe,” Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI),

[142] Chinese Influence & American Interests: Promoting Constructive Vigilance (Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 2018),

[143] Jenni Marsh, “Ex-Hong Kong Politician Faces Jail after Bribery Conviction in US,” CNN, December 5, 2018,

[144] Alexandra Stevenson, David Barboza, Matthew Goldstein and Paul Mozur, “A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded,” The New York Times, December 12, 2018,

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