Книга: Эластичность. Гибкое мышление в эпоху перемен
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Claudia Mettke-Hofmann et al., “The Significance of Ecological Factors for Exploration and Neophobia in Parrots”, Ethology 108 (2002): 249–272; Patricia Kaulfuss, Daniel S. Mills, “Neophilia in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris) and Its Implication for Studies of Dog Cognition”, Animal Cognition 11 (2008): 553–556; Steven R. Lindsay, Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, vol. 1: Adaptation and Learning (Эймз: Iowa State University Press, 2000). Подробнее об эволюции домашней собаки: J. Clutton-Brock, “Origins of the Dog: Domestication and Early History”, в: The Domestic Dog: Its Evolution, Behaviour, and Interactions with People, сост. J. Serpell (Кембридж: Cambridge University Press, 1995); Carles Vila1, Peter Savolainen, et al., “Multiple and Ancient Origins of the Domestic Dog”, Science 276, № 5319 (13 июня 1997 г.): 1687–1689.
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