Книга: 3D Scientific Visualization with Blender
Назад: 7 Python scripting
Дальше: Appendix A Blender keyboard shortcuts

Chapter 8

Projects and 3D examples

It is best to expand upon the overview of information presented in this book with a collection of examples. Each example will use different parts of the Blender interface to implement a different style of scientific visualization. Example blend files, data files and videos will be provided to better illustrate some of these features.

8.1 3D scatter plot

A 3D scatter plot can be useful in showing trends in multiple parameters or the locations of objects in 3D space. In this project stars from the Hipparcos project will be displayed in 3D []. The concepts used will be:


The following steps will set up this visualization.


We then import the Hipparcos catalog with the following Python script:


import bpy

import math

import bmesh

import csv

obj = bpy.data.objects['Circle']

if obj.mode == 'EDIT':

 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)

 for v in bm.verts:

    if v.select:



 print("Object is not in edit mode")

bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)

#Read in Hipparcos data

filename = 'hygxyz.csv'

fields = ['StarID','HIP','HD','HR','Gliese','BayerFlamsteed',



reader = csv.DictReader(open(filename), fields, delimiter=',')

dicts = []

#Skip first header line


for row in reader:


#Add in vertex elements with XYZ coordinates at each row

for row in dicts:

 xpos = float(row['X'])/100.0

 ypos = float(row['Y'])/100.0

 zpos = float(row['Z'])/100.0




We can now use the default camera object to point at an empty object as in section .


Figure 8.1. The set-up for an empty tracking object. The camera will point to this object during the fly through of the Hipparcos catalog.


Animate the visualization by keyframing the camera.


The visualization can now be exported in a 1080p HD video.


Figure 8.2. A 3D rendering of the Hipparcos catalog, utilizing a halo material, a subdivided grid and camera tracking.

8.2 N-body simulation

For this example we will provide the reader with N-body data from a galaxy collision simulation. The idea is to expand upon the initial scatter plot example by putting the N-body points into shape keys to improve performance and then iterate over each snapshot to complete the animation. The concepts used will be:


This example of a galaxy simulation was generated with GADGET-2 [], an extremely useful N-body and smoothed particle hydrodynamics package for astrophysics. Its capabilities range from large scale structure cosmology simulations to galaxy collisions. The simulation in this example is run for approximately 1100 time steps for a total run time of two billion years. Each large spiral disk galaxy has 10 000 disk particles and 20 000 halo particles with Milky Way scale lengths and masses (2.1 kiloparsecs and 109 solar masses). The particle position data are shown as a single vertex with a halo material. Each snapshot is keyframed as a camera object is flown along a Bézier curve. A frame from the animation is shown in figure .


Figure 8.3. A 3D rendering of an N-body simulation showing a collision between two galaxies.

The ASCII snapshot files produced by the simulation are in the following simple X, Y, Z comma-separated-value format:









First a shape key needs to be created in the script with (for this simulation) 20 000 vertex points:


import bpy

import bmesh

#Switch to object mode

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')

#Create initial Basis Shape Key


#Create initial Shape Key

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')


bpy.data.shape_keys[0].key_blocks["Key 1"].name = 'Key 1'

bpy.data.shape_keys[0].key_blocks["Key 1"].value = 1

bpy.data.shape_keys[0].key_blocks["Key 1"].

keyframe_insert ("value", frame=0)


The snapshot data files are then read in using the csv and glob Python module. The vertices are added to a single vertex circle object just like the mesh created in the 3D scatter plot example.


import glob

import csv

import bpy

import bmesh

files = glob.glob('*.txt')


for f in files:

   fields = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']

   csvin = csv.DictReader(open(f), fields, delimiter = ',')

   data = [row for row in csvin]

dicts = data

obj = bpy.data.objects['Circle']

mesh = obj.data

bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)

rowcount = 0

for i in range(0,len(bm.verts)-1):


          bm.verts[i].co.x = float(dicts[rowcount]['X'])/10.0

          bm.verts[i].co.y = float(dicts[rowcount]['Y'])/10.0

          bm.verts[i].co.z = float(dicts[rowcount]['Z'])/10.0

          rowcount += 1





Add in the keyframes for each shape key:


#Key a single frame per data file

for j in range(1, frames+1):

  for keyname in bpy.data.shape_keys[0].key_blocks.keys():

    if keyname != os.path.basename(files[framecount-1]):

      bpy.data.shape_keys[0].key_blocks[keyname].value = 0


        keyframe_insert("value", frame = framecount)

  framecount += 1


We now change the vertices to have a material texture of a small Gaussian sphere.

  1. With the circle object selected, click on the Materials tab in the Properties panel to create a new material with the ‘Halo’ option.
  2. Change the halo size to 0.05.
  3. Change the hardness to 100.
  4. Modify the desired halo color to your liking.


Since both galaxies are moving, we will keyframe an empty object to track the centroid of one galaxy before the collision. As the collision evolves the empty object will slow to a stationary position (figure ). The camera object will also move and track the empty object during the entire animation.


Figure 8.4. An empty object is placed at the centroid of one of the galaxies and keyframed to move during the camera tracking.

  1. Add an empty object with Add → Empty → Plain Axes for the camera to point toward.
  2. With the current frame set to zero, place the empty object near the center of a galaxy and keyframe the position with the I key.
  3. Play the animation through the first part of the collision and then stop. Move the empty object to a new position near the collision centroid and add another keyframe.
  4. Right-click to choose the camera object and set the position and rotation values on the Transform toolbar to zero.
  5. Click the Constraints tab on the right-hand side Properties panel.
  6. Choose ‘Track To’ and select the target as ‘Empty’.
  7. Select ‘To’ as –Z and ‘Up’ as Y. This will correctly orient the upward and normal directions when looking through the camera field of view.


Snapshots and different camera views from the final animations are shown in figure .


Figure 8.5. Frames from an N-body galaxy collision simulation.

8.3 Magnetic fields

In this project we will produce a 3D visualization of the magnetic potential for a loop of electric current. The concepts used will be:


From classical electrodynamics we know that the current density J has an azimuthal component in a ring of radius a. Reviewing these basic equations we have []:



The solution for the vector potential is written as:



Due to the symmetry of the configuration, we can write the azimuthal component image as:


where K(k) and E(k) are complete elliptic integrals. The solution can be expanded in the following approximation:



We will evaluate this expression, compute the contours and use vertex editing mode to draw the contours. Because the scenario is azimuthally symmetric, we can use the Blender spin tool to rotate the magnetic potential contours about the Z-axis. Finally, we will add the current loop and animate the visualization. The data from are generated and read in via the following Blender Python script:


import pickle

import numpy

import bpy

import bmesh

import csv

obj = bpy.data.objects['MagneticField']

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')

bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)

#Read in contour data

filename = 'magnetic.txt'

fields = ['X', 'Y']

csvin = csv.reader(open(filename))

data = [row for row in csvin]

dicts = []

for row in data:

  datarow = map(float,row[0].split())

  rowdict = dict(zip(fields, datarow))


for row in dicts:


    xpos = row['X']

    ypos = row['Y']



    #Note that the minus 2 is the number of points to connect

    bm.edges.new((bm.verts[i] for i in range(-2,0)))






The ring of current is created using the extrude tool.


Due to azimuthal symmetry, the contours can be extended via the spin tool (figure ).


Figure 8.6. Quad view along each axis along with the camera view for the magnetic potential.


Figure 8.7. A 3D rendering of the magnetic potential for a current loop.

8.4 Lagrangian equilibrium and zero-velocity curves

We can compute and map the Lagrangian equilibrium points and zero-velocity curves for a two mass system. This project will use the following concepts:


The formulation considered here is outlined in chapter of Solar System Dynamics []. We consider two masses in circular orbits of masses m1 and m2 about a common center of mass at the origin O. The sum of the masses and the constant separation between them are both unity. q is the ratio of the masses and we define:






The location of the triangular Lagrangian points L4 and L5 can be solved for:




The collinear Lagrangian equilibrium points are derived as:





We can further refine these collinear Lagrangian points by using the Newton–Rhapson method to solve for the vectors r1 and r2. These examples are included at the book website. Next we provide code that solves for these points.


import math

import os

import csv

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import newton

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def dPotential1(r, *mus):

  errflg = 0

  #Unpack tuple

  mu1, mu2 = mus

  T1 = 1. - r

  T2 = T1 - 1.0/T1**2

  T3 = r - 1.0/r**2

  dU = mu1*T2 - mu2*T3 # Equation 3.73

  return dU

def dPotential2(r, *mus):

  errflg = 0

  #Unpack tuple

  mu1, mu2 = mus

  T1 = 1. + r

  T2 = T1 - 1.0/T1**2;

  T3 = r - 1.0/r**2;

  dU = mu1*T2 + mu2*T3 #Equation 3.85

  return dU

def dPotential3(r, *mus):

  errflg = 0

  #Unpack tuple

  mu1, mu2 = mus

  T1 = 1. + r

  T2 = r - 1.0/r**2

  T3 = T1 - 1.0/T1**2

  dU = mu1*T2 + mu2*T3 # Equation 3.90

  return dU

def Potential(x, *data):

  #Unpack tuple

  y, z, mu1, mu2, Vref = data

  r1 = math.sqrt((x+mu2)**2 + y**2 + z**2)

  r2 = math.sqrt((x-mu1)**2 + y**2 + z**2)

  T1 = 1.0/r1 + 0.5*r1**2

  T2 = 1.0/r2 + 0.5*r2**2

  # Equation 3.64 in Murray and Dermott

  U = mu1*T1 + mu2*T2 - 0.5*mu1*mu2 - Vref

  return U

def Potential2(y, *data):

#Unpack tuple

x, z, mu1, mu2, Vref = data

r1 = math.sqrt((x+mu2)**2 + y**2 + z**2)

r2 = math.sqrt((x-mu1)**2 + y**2 + z**2)

T1 = 1.0/r1 + 0.5*r1**2

T2 = 1.0/r2 + 0.5*r2**2

# Equation 3.64 in Murray and Dermott

U = mu1*T1 + mu2*T2 - 0.5*mu1*mu2 - Vref

return U


# secondary / primary mass: M2/M1 (M1 > M2)

q = 0.2

# Number of points used in contour plot and in Roche Lobe

npts = 251

# Number of contours in contour plot

nc = 75

#Equations are from Solar System Dynamics by Murray and Dermott

# Equation 3.1

mu_bar = q / (1.0 + q)

# Equation 3.2, Location of Mass 1 (primary) is (-mu2, 0, 0)

mu1 = 1.0 - mu_bar

# Equation 3.2, Location of Mass 2 (secondary) is (mu1, 0, 0)

mu2 = mu_bar

#Define the Lagrangian Points

ratio = mu2 / mu1

alpha = (ratio/3.0)**(1.0/3.0) # Equation 3.75

L1_r2 = alpha - alpha**2/3.0 - alpha**3/9.0 - 23.0*alpha**4/81.0

L1_y = 0.0 # Equation 3.83

L2_r2 = alpha + alpha**2/3.0 - alpha**3/9.0 - 31.0*alpha**4/81.0

L2_y = 0.0 # Equation 3.88

# Equation 3.93

beta = -7.0*ratio/12.0 + 7.0*ratio**2/12.0 - 13223.0*ratio**3/20736.0

L3_r1 = 1.0 + beta

L3_y = 0.0 # Equation above 3.92

L4_x = 0.5 - mu2

L4_y = +sqrt(3.0)/2.0 # Equation 3.71

L5_x = 0.5 - mu2

L5_y = -sqrt(3.0)/2.0 # Equation 3.71

# L4 and L5 are done.

# Corrections to L1, L2, and L3...

L1_r2 = newton(dPotential1, L1_r2, args=(mu1,mu2))

L1_r1 = 1.0 - L1_r2 # Equation 3.72

L1_x = L1_r1 - mu2 # Equation 3.72

L2_r2 = newton(dPotential2, L2_r2, args=(mu1, mu2))

L2_r1 = 1.0 + L2_r2 # Equation 3.84

L2_x = L2_r1 - mu2 # Equation 3.84

L3_r1 = newton(dPotential3, L3_r1, args=(mu1, mu2))

L3_r2 = 1.0 + L3_r1 # Equation 3.89

L3_x = -L3_r1 - mu2 # Equation 3.89

# Now, calculate the Roche Lobe around both stars

# Potentials at L1, L2, and L3

L1_U = Potential(L1_x, 0.0, 0.0, mu1, mu2, 0.0)

L2_U = Potential(L2_x, 0.0, 0.0, mu1, mu2, 0.0)

L3_U = Potential(L3_x, 0.0, 0.0, mu1, mu2, 0.0)

# Find x limits of the Roche Lobe

L1_left = newton(Potential, L3_x, args=(0.0, 0.0, mu1, mu2, L1_U))

L1_right = newton(Potential, L2_x, args=(0.0, 0.0, mu1, mu2, L1_U))

xx = np.linspace(L1_left, L1_right, npts)

zz = np.linspace(0.0,0.0, npts)

yc = np.linspace(0.0,0.0, npts)

for n in range(1,npts-1):


    yguess = newton(Potential2, L4_y/10.0, \

      args=(xx[n], zz[n], mu1, mu2, L1_U), maxiter = 10000)


    yguess = 0.0

  if (yguess < 0.0): yguess = -yguess

  if (yguess > L4_y): yguess = 0.0

  yc[n] = yguess

yc[1] = 0.0

yc[npts-1] = 0.0


We can then read the X and Y pairs into a Blender mesh to draw the contours. First we create a single vertex mesh in the GUI called ‘RocheOutline’.


import csv

import glob

import os

import bpy

import bmesh

obj = bpy.data.objects['RocheOutline']

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')

bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)

dicts = [{'X': xx[i], 'Y':yc[i]} for i in range(0,len(xx))]

#Add in vertex elements with XYZ coordinates at each row

for row in dicts:

      xpos = row['X']

      ypos = row['Y']



      #Note that the minus 2 is the number of points to connect

      bm.edges.new((bm.verts[i] for i in range(-2,0)))




Once this contour is created, we can use a mirror modifier to add in the second part of the symmetric contour and then spin the contour about the X-axis.


Finally the surfaces can be made transparent. This is useful in visualization scenarios where objects need to be seen within another mesh.


Figure 8.8. The zero-velocity curves can be mapped and then rotated in 3D using the spin tool in Mesh Edit mode.


The primary and secondary masses can be added at their respective positions with simple colored UV-spheres, as can the Lagrangian points, designated as small tetrahedrons (figure ).


Figure 8.9. The Roche lobes can be rendered transparent via the Properties panel Materials tab.

8.5 Geophysics: planetary surface mapping

Blender is well suited for creating 3D surfaces from mapping data. In this project we will use topographic maps from the Mars MOLA Digital Terrain Topographic Maps to generate a 3D surface map []. This project introduces the following concepts:


The data are obtained from the USGS PDS Imaging Node. The two images each have a size and resolution of 1000 × 1000 pixels at 1.32 kilometers per pixel. The topographic map will be used for the relative heights between points on the surface for the Blender mesh object. The Mars basecolor map will be used as a texture layer.

First we will activate a new feature under File → User Preferences → AddOns. Click the check box for ‘Import Images as Planes’ and then ‘Save User Settings’. This will allow us to to image a topographic map directly as a mesh plane object.

The images need to be grayscale topographic maps and not shaded relief maps.


Figure 8.10. Setting up the displacement modifier to load the Martian topographic map into a mesh object.


Figure 8.11. Terrain texture setting for Martian mapping.


The final composite as viewed normal to the plane is shown in figure .


Figure 8.12. Mars terrain composite generated from a map displacement modifer and texture layer.

8.6 Volumetric rendering and data cubes

Data cubes are datasets composed of cross sections in a given phase space that are best viewed as rendered transparent volumes []. These kinds of data have applications in biology, medicine and astrophysics. CAT scan data provide slices of a scanned object with each element being a volumetric pixel (voxel). Data from radio telescopes that consist of right ascension and declination (positions on the celestial sphere) and frequency can be used to show the rotation of a galaxy or chemical species at millimeter wavelengths [].

In this application we utilize the following Blender functions:


For this example we will use CAT scan data of a human head that is easy to download and illustrates a simple example of volumetric rendering. Other excellent examples from radio astronomy and the NRAO radio telescope facilities can be found on-line as well.


The material type has been set and now the image slices can be applied to the texture for the mesh.


Figure 8.13. Set-up configuration for rendering a data cube.


Several views of the data cube are shown in figure . The procedure outlined here can be applied to any kind of 3D dataset that requires volume rendering for viewing []. A data cube from radio telescope observations is shown in figure [].


Figure 8.14. Rotating the volume rendering of a data cube.


Figure 8.15. 3D rendering of a galaxy data cube obtained with observations from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array in New Mexico, USA.

8.7 Physics module and rigid body dynamics

The Blender physics module allows a user to use the built-in differential equation solver to add fields to a visualization scene and create physics demonstrations. Simple projectile motion, charged particles interacting with magnetic fields and simple harmonic motion are all possible with this module. The fields available to the user are shown in figure . In this project we will use the following concepts.


Figure 8.16. Fields available to the user with the Blender physics module. Mesh objects can be set to react to the physical constraints that occur because of a given field.


This example will combine a number of Blender physics module items and demonstrate their properties.


Figure 8.17. The Physics menu allows for the addition of fields to a visualization scene. These particular menus show the configuration for a fixed passive surface with rigidity and elasticity values. The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is set to the SI value of 9.8 m s−2, and the differential equation solver is set to 60 steps per second under the Scene menu.


Hitting the play button on the animation time line will compute the position of the ball with a = 9.8 m s−2 and no drag. The plane is passive and fixed, and therefore the ball simply stops. The ‘Surface Response’ for both the ball and the surface can be modified from a range of zero to one. With a maximum value of 1.0 for both objects the collision will be elastic with no energy dissipation—the ball will simply keep bouncing throughout the animation repeatedly. We will now create projectile motion by giving the ball an X-component to its initial velocity.


Pressing the play button one more time from the beginning will now show the ball exhibiting projectile motion.

We will use the mesh screw tool and multiple spheres to finish the rigid body dynamics example.


Figure 8.18. The initial set-up for a rigid body simulation. This example from the Mesh Edit window shows the set-up for a circle and rotation vector. The screw tool will be used to rotate the vertices about an incline to create a corkscrew tube shape. This shape will have a mesh collision shape in the Physics module such that another sphere can roll inside the tube.


Figure 8.19. UV-sphere mesh objects with a spherical collision shape set in the Physics module are duplicated with SHIFT–D. The objects and properties are duplicated and set up for a collision.


The simple elements for our rigid body dynamics simulation are in place. The last step will be to bake the simulation elements and compute all the positions. As depicted in figure , press the ‘Free All Bakes’ button followed by ‘Bake’. Press the play button on the animation time line to view the simulation (figure ).


Figure 8.20. The physics menu allows for the addition of fields to a visualization scene. These particular menus show the configuration for a fixed passive surface with rigidity and elasticity values. The acceleration due to gravity on is set to the SI value of 9.8 m s−2 and the differential equation solver is set to 60 steps per second under the Scene menu.


For longer simulations, baking will take significantly longer depending on factors like the number of vertices and fields in the simulation. However, by baking in the dynamics and performing the computation a priori, the rendering time will be significantly decreased.


[1] Perryman M A C et al 1997 The HIPPARCOS catalogue Astron. Astrophys. 323 L49–52

[2] Springel V 2005 The cosmological simulation code GADGET-2 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.

[3] Jackson J D 1999 Classical Electrodynamics 3rd edn (New York: Wiley)

[4] Murray C D and Dermott S F 1998 Solar System Dynamics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

[5] Christensen P R et al Mars global surveyor thermal emission spectrometer experiment: investigation description and surface science results J. Geophys. Res.

[6] Levoy M 1988 Volume rendering: display of surfaces from volume data Comput. Graphics Appl.

[7] Hassan A H, Fluke C J and Barnes D G 2011 Interactive visualization of the largest radioastronomy cubes New Astron.

[8] Kent B R 2013 Visualizing astronomical data with Blender Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac.

[9] Walter F et al 2008 THINGS: The H I Nearby Galaxy Survey Astron. J.

For excellent research on this topic using simulations of cataclysmic variable stars, visit .

Images and data available from .

Назад: 7 Python scripting
Дальше: Appendix A Blender keyboard shortcuts