Книга: Тамплиеры. Рождение и гибель великого ордена
Назад: 547
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Chibnall, The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis VI, 314–15. Gawain and the Green Knight, line 499, ‘The forme to the finishment foldez ful selden.’


Sadeque, S. F., Baybars I of Egypt (Karachi: 1956), 92–4.


Процитировано учеником аз-Захира Шихабуддином ан-Нувайри. Muhanna, E. (ed. and trans.), Shihab Al-Din Al-Nuwayri, The Ultimate Ambition in the Arts of Erudition (New York: 2016), 253–4.
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