Книга: Вдохновляющий лидер
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Bell, Poorna (2013). ’The official amount of free time you need to be happy’. The Huffington Post, 7 June. [Online] Доступно на: .


Адаптировано из главы ‘Peace of mind’ из: Owen, Jo (2012). How to Manage: The Art of Making Things Happen. Third edition. Harlow: Pearson.


Miller, Liz (2009). Mood Mapping: Plot Your Way to Emotional Health and Happiness. London: Pan Macmillan.


Magistretti, Pierre J., Pellerin, Luc, Martin, Jean-Luc (1995). ’Brain energy metabolism: an integrated cellular perspective’. In: Floyd E. Bloom, David J. Kupfer (eds). Psychopharmacology: The Fourth Generation of Progress. New York: Raven Press, 657–670.
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