Книга: Мозг Брока. О науке, космосе и человеке
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Глава 3.
Этот мир, который манит, как освобождение
FEUER, LEWIS S., Einstein and the Generations of Science. New York, Basic Books, 1974.
PRANK, PIULIPP, Einstein: His Life and Times. New York, Knopf, 1953.
HOFFMAN, BANESH, Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel. New York, New American Library, 1972.
SCHILPP, PAUL, ed., Albert Einstein: Philosopher Scientist. New York, Tudor, 1951.
Глава 5.
Сомнамбулы и торговцы мистикой: смысл и бессмыслица на границе науки и псевдонауки
“Alexander the Oracle-Monger,” in The Works of Lucian of Samosata. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1905.
CHRISTOPHER, MILBOURNE, ESP, Seers and Psychics. New York, Crowell, 1970.
COHEN, MORRIS, and NAGEL, ERNEST, An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. New York, Harcourt Brace, 1934.
EVANS, BERGEN, The Natural History of Nonsense. New York, Knopf, 1946.
GARDNER, MARTIN, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. New York, Dover, 1957.
MACKAY, CHARLES, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. New York, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Noonday Press, 1970.
Глава 7.
Венера и доктор Великовский
BRANDT, J. C., MARAN, S. P., WILLIAMSON, R., HARRINGTON, R., COCHRAN, C., KENNEDY, M., KENNEDY, W., and CHAMBERLAIN, V., “Possible Rock Art Records of the Crab Nebula Supernova in the Western United States.” Archaeoastronomy in Pre-Columbian America, A. F. Aveni, ed. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1974.
BRANDT, J. C., MARAN, S. P., and STECHER, T. P., “Astronomers Ask Archaeologists Aid.” Archaeology, 21: 360 (1971).
BROWN, H., “Rare Gases and the Formation of the Earth’s Atmosphere,” in Kuiper (1949).
CAMPBELL, J., The Mythic Image. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1974. (Second printing with corrections, 1975.)
CONNES, P., CONNES, J., BENEDICT, W. S., and KAPLAN, L. D., “Traces of HCl and HF in the Atmosphere of Venus.” Ap. J., 147: 1230 (1967).
COVEY, C., Anthropological Journal of Canada, 13: 2–10 (1975).
DE CAMP, L. S., Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme. New York, Ballantine Books, 1975.
DODD, EDWARD, Polynesian Seafaring. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1972.
EHRLICH, MAX, The Big Eye. New York, Doubleday, 1949.
GALANOPOULOS, ANGELOS G., “Die ägyptischen Plagen und der Auszug Israels aus geologischer Sicht” Das Altertum, 10: 131–137 (1964).
GOULD, S. J., “Velikovsky in Collision.” Natural History (March 1975), 20–26.
KUIPER, G. P., ed., The Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets, 1st ed. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1949.
LEACH, E. R., “Primitive Time Reckoning,” in The History of Technology, edited by C. Singer, E. J. Holmyard, and Hall, A. R. London, Oxford University Press, 1954.
LECAR, M., and FRANKLIN, F., “On the Original Distribution of the Asteroids.” Icarus, 20: 422–436 (1973).
MAROV, M. YA., “Venus: A Perspective at the Beginning of Planetary Exploration.” Icarus, 16: 415–461 (1972).
Results on the Venus Atmosphere from the Venera 8 Descent Module.” Icarus, 20: 407–421 (1973).
MEEUS, J., “Comments on The Jupiter Effect.” Icarus, 26: 257–267 (1975).
NEUGEBAUER, O., “Ancient Mathematics and Astronomy,” in The History of Technology, edited by C. Singer, E. J. Holmyard, and Hall, A. R. London, Oxford University Press, 1954.
ÖPIK, ERNST J., “Collision Probabilities with the Planets and the Distribution of Interplanetary Matter.” Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 54 (1951), 165–199.
OWEN, T. C., and SAGAN, C., “Minor Constituents in Planetary Atmospheres: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory.” Icarus, 16: 557–568 (1972).
POLLACK, J. B., “A Nongray CO2-H20 Greenhouse Model of Venus.” Icarus, 10: 314–341 (1969).
POLLACK, J. B., ERICKSON, E., WITTEBORN, F., CHACKERIAN, C., SUMMERS, A., AUGASON, O., and CAROFF, L., “Aircraft Observation of Venus’ Near-infrared Reflection Spectrum: Implications for Cloud Composition.” Icarus, 23: 8–26 (1974).
SAGAN, C., “The Radiation Balance of Venus.” California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Technical Report 32–34, 1960.
–, “The Planet Venus. “ Science, 133: 849 (1961).
–, The Cosmic Connection. New York, Doubleday, 1973.
–, “Erosion of the Rocks of Venus.” Nature, 261:31 (1976).
SAGAN, C., and PAGE T., eds., UFOs: A Scientific Debate. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press, 1973; New York, Norton, 1974.
SILL, G.,·”Sulfuric Acid in the Venus Clouds.” Communications Lunar Planet Lab., University of Arizona, 9: 191–198 (1972).
SPITZER, LYMAN, and BAADE, WALTER, “Stellar Populations and Collisions of Galaxies.” Ap. J., 113: 413 (1951).
UREY, H. C., “Cometary Collisions and Geological Periods.” Nature, 242: 32–33 (1973).
–, The Planets, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1951.
VELIKOVSKY, I., Worlds in Collision. New York, Dell, 1965. (First printing, Doubleday, 1950.)
–, “Venus, a Youthful Planet.” Yale Scientific Magazine, 41: 8–11 (1967).
VITALIANO, DOROTHY B., Legends of the Earth: Their Geologic Origins. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1973.
WILDT, R., “Note on the Surface Temperature of Venus.” Ap. J., 91: 266 (1940).
–, “On the Chemistry of the Atmosphere of Venus.” Ap. J., 96: 312–314 (1942).
YOUNG, A. T., “Are the Clouds of Venus Sulfuric Acid?” Icarus, 18: 564–582 (1973).
YOUNG, L. D. G., and YOUNG, A. T., Comments on “The Composition of the Venus Cloud Tops in Light of Recent Spectroscopic Data.” Ap. J., 179: L39 (1973).
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