Книга: Вопросы – это ответы. Как искать прорывные идеи и решать сложные проблемы на работе и в жизни
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Edgar Schein. Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2013.


Robert Pate and Neville Bremer. “Guiding Learning through Skillful Questioning”. Elementary School Journal 67. May 1967, 417–422.


“Steve Jobs Used to Ask Jony Ive the Same Question Almost Every Day”. Business Insider. October 8, 2015. .


Tina Seelig. “How Reframing a Problem Unlocks Innovation”. Co.Design, May 19, 2013. .


Amitai Etzioni. “Toward a Macrosociology”. Academy of Management Proceedings, 27th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (December 27–29, 1967), 12–33.


Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall, and David Duncan. Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice. New York: HarperBusiness, 2016.
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