Книга: Краткая история всех, кто когда-либо жил
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Я настоятельно рекомендую вам прочесть перечисленные ниже книги по генетике и эволюции, которые оказали на меня серьезное влияние.


Стив Джонс
Jones S. The Language of the Genes: Solving the Mysteries of Our Genetic Past, Present and Future. – HarperCollins, 1991.
Этот классический труд был написан задолго до начала проекта «Геном человека» и за четверть века до наших дней. Однако то, о чем говорится в книге, и несравненная манера автора рассказывать истории делают ее вполне современной и достойной прочтения.


Мэтт Ридли
Ridley M. Genome: A Biography in 23 Chapters. – Fourth Estate, 1999; в русском переводе: Ридли М. Геном: Автобиография вида в 23 главах. – ЭКСМО, 2008.
Эта книга тоже стала классикой и тоже была опубликована до начала проекта «Геном человека».


Мэтью Кобб
Cobb Matthew. Life’s Greatest Secret: The Race to Crack the Genetic Code. – Profile, 2015.
На мой взгляд, это наиболее полная история расшифровки генетического кода.
И конечно же, нельзя не вернуться к истокам, поэтому:


Чарлз Дарвин
Darwin Ch. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. – John Murray, 1871; в русском переводе: «Происхождение человека и половой отбор».
О количестве людей, родившихся за последние 50 тысяч лет:
«Нет никого на свете, кто был бы больше вы, чем вы!»
Dr. Seuss. Happy Birthday to you! – HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2005.
«Задалбливают мать с отцом»
Larkin Ph. High Windows. – Faber and Faber, 1974; цитируется с разрешения издательства.


О международном проекте «Геном человека»
Lander E S., et al. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome //Nature. Vol. 409 (2001). Р. 860–921.
Глава 1. Подвижные и похотливые
О зарождении жизни в гидротермальных источниках
О происхождении жизни писали многие, включая меня самого (Creation. – Viking, 2013), но никто не сделал этого лучше, чем Ник Лейн в своей книге.
Lane N. The Vital Question: Why is Life the Way it is? – Profile, 2015; Лейн Н. Вопрос жизни. – CORPUS, 2018.


О хоббитах
Brown P., et al. A new small-bodied hominin from the Late Pleistocene of Flores, Indonesia // Nature. Vol. 431 (2004). Р. 1055–61.
Sutikna T., et al. Revised stratigraphy and chronology for Homo floresiensis at Liang Bua in Indonesia // Nature. Vol. 532 (2016). Р. 366–9.
Van den Bergh G. D., et al. Homo floresiensis-like fossils from the early Middle Pleistocene of Flores // Nature. Vol. 534 (2016). Р. 245–8.


О криптозоологии
Jobling M. A. The truth is out there // Investigative Genetics. 4: 24 (2013).


Про Эбу-Гого
Wong K. The Littlest Human // Scientific American. 16 (2006). Р. 48–57.


О первой ДНК неандертальцев
Krings M., et al. Neandertal DNA Sequences and the Origin of Modern Humans // Cell. 90: 1 (1997). Р. 19–30.


О 47 китайских зубах
Liu Wu, et al. The earliest unequivocally modern humans in southern China // Nature. Vol. 526 (2015). Р. 696–9.


К истории Нидерландов
Howell F. C.The Evolutionary Significance of Variation and Varieties of «Neanderthal» Man // The Quarterly Review of Biology. 32: 4 (1957). Р. 330–47.
Rendu W., et al. Evidence supporting an intentional Neandertal burial at La Chapelle-aux-Saints // Science. Vol. 318: 5855 (2007). Р. 1453.


Еще о геноме неандертальцев
Green R. E., et al. Analysis of one million base pairs of Neanderthal DNA // Nature. Vol. 444: 7117 (2006). Р. 330–6.
Noonan J. P., et al. Sequencing and Analysis of Neanderthal Genomic DNA // Science. Vol. 314: 5802 (2006). Р. 1113–18.
Green R. E., Krause J., Briggs A. W., et al. A draft sequence of the Neandertal genome // Science. Vol. 328: 5979 (2010)/ Р. 710–22.
Prüfer K. et al. The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains // Nature. Vol. 505 (2014). Р. 43–9.


О человеческой речи, гене FoxP2 и певчих птицах
Arensburg B., et al. A Middle Palaeolithic human hyoid bone // Nature. Vol. 338 (1989). Р. 758–60.
Murugan M., et al. Diminished FoxP2 Levels Affect Dopaminergic Modulation of Corticostriatal Signaling Important to Song Variability // Neuron. Vol. 80: 6 (2013). Р. 1464–76.
Krause J., Lalueza-Fox C., Orlando L., et al. The derived FOXP2 variant of modern humans was shared with Neandertals // Current Biology. 17: 21 (2007). Р. 1908–12.
Hurst J. A., et al. An extended Family with a Dominantly Inherited Speech Disorder // Developmental Medicine Child Neurology. 32: 4 (1990). Р. 352–5.
Kuhlwilm M., et al. Ancient gene flow from early modern humans into Eastern Neanderthals // Nature. Vol. 530 (2016). Р. 429–33.


Об обонянии, коже и рыжих волосах
Mainland J. D., et al. The missense of smell: functional variability in the human odorant receptor repertoire // Nature Neuroscience. Vol. 17 (2014). Р. 114.
Lalueza-Fox C., et al. A Melanocortin 1 Receptor Allele Suggests Varying Pigmentation Among Neanderthals // Science. Vol. 318: 5855 (2007). Р. 1453–5.
Hoover K. C., et al. Global Survey of Variation in a Human Olfactory Receptor Gene Reveals Signatures of Non-Neutral Evolution // Chemical Senses. 40 (2015). Р. 481–8.


О последствиях интрогрессии генов неандертальцев
Juric I., Aeschbacher S., Coop G. The Strength of Selection Against Neanderthal Introgression // bioRxiv, 30 October 2015.
Harris K., Nielsen R. The Genetic Cost of Neanderthal Introgression // bioRxiv, 29 March 2016.


О денисовском человеке
Krause J., Fu Q., Good J. M., et al. The complete mitochondrial DNA genome of an unknown hominin from southern Siberia // Nature. Vol. 464 (2010). Р. 894–7.
Sawyer S., et al. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences from two Denisovan individuals // PNAS. 112 (2015). Р. 15696–700.
Reich D., Richard E.G., et al. Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave in Siberia // Nature. Vol. 468 (2010). Р.1053–60.
Reich D., et al. Denisova Admixture and the First Modern Human Dispersals into Southeast Asia and Oceania // The American Journal of Human Genetics. Vol. 89 (2011). Р. 516–28.
Huerta-Sanchez E., et al., Altitude adaptation in Tibetans caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA // Nature. Vol. 512 (2014). Р. 194–7.
Curnoe D., et al. A Hominin Femur with Archaic Affinities from the Late Pleistocene of Southwest China // PLOS One. 10: 12 (2015).
Birney E., Pritchard J. K. Archaic humans: Four makes a party // Nature. Vol. 505 (2014). Р. 32–4.
Глава 2. Первый Европейский союз
Hardy K., et al. The Importance of Dietary Carbohydrate in Human Evolution // The Quarterly Review of Biology. Vol. 90: 3 (2015). Р. 251.
Itan Y., et al. The Origins of Lactase Persistence in Europe // PLOS Computational Biology. 5: 8 (2009).
Shennan S., et al. Regional population collapse followed initial agriculture booms in mid-Holocene Europe // Nature Communications. Vol. 4 (2013).
Lazaridis I., et al. Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans // Nature. Vol. 513 (2014). Р. 409–13.
Seguin-Orlando A., et al. Genomic structure in Europeans dating back at least 36,200 years // Science. Vol. 346: 6213 (2014). Р. 1113.
Fu Q., et al. Genome sequence of a 45,000-year-old modern human from western Siberia // Nature. Vol. 514 (2014). Р. 445–50.
Helgason А., et al., Sequences From First Settlers Reveal Rapid Evolution in Icelandic mtDNA Pool // PLOS Genetics. 5: 1 (2009).
Benedictow O. J. The Black Death 1346–1353: The Complete History. – Boydell Press, 2004.
Procopius. Secret History: History of the Wars – Vol. II. Р. xxii – xxxiii: (transl. by Richard Atwater; Chicago: P. Covici, 1927; New York: Covici Friede, 1927; reprinted Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1961).
Adhikari K., et al. A genome-wide association scan in admixed Latin Americans identifies facial and scalp hair features // Nature Communications. Vol. 7 (2016).
Leslie S., et al. The fine-scale genetic structure of the British population // Nature. Vol. 519 (2004). Р. 309.
Глава 3. Когда мы были королями
О Карле Великом
Rohde Douglas L.T., Olson S., Chang J. T. Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans // Nature. Vol. 431 (2004). Р. 562–6.
Chang J. Recent common ancestors of all present-day individuals // Advances in Applied Probability. 31 (1999). Р. 1002–26.
Ralph P., Coop G. The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe // PLOS Biology. 11: 5 (2013).
«Revealed: the Indian ancestry of William» // The Times, 14 June 2013.
Lucotte G., et al. Haplogroup of the Y Chromosome of Napoléon the First // Journal of Molecular Biology Research. 1: 1 (2011).


О Ричарде III
Seguin-Orlando A., et al. Identification of the remains of King Richard III // Nature Communications. Vol. 5 (2014).
Edwards R. Naming Jack the Ripper: New Crime Scene Evidence, A Stunning Forensic Breakthrough, The Killer Revealed. – Sidgwick & Jackson, 2014.


О падении дома Габсбургов
Álvarez G., Ceballos F.C., Quinteiro C. The Role of Inbreeding in the Extinction of a European Royal Dynasty // PLOS ONE. 4: 4 (2009).
Álvarez G., Ceballos F. C., Berra, T. M. Darwin was right: inbreeding depression on male fertility in the Darwin family // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 114 (2015). Р. 474–83.
Fareed M., Afzal M. Estimating the Inbreeding Depression on Cognitive Behavior: A Population Based Study of Child Cohort // PLOS ONE. 9: 10 (2014).
McQuillan R., et al. Evidence of Inbreeding Depression on Human Height // PLOS GENETICS. 8: 7 (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002655
Kalaydjieva L., et al. Reconstructing the Population History of European Romani from Genome-wide Data Genetic studies of the Roma (Gypsies): a review // BMC Medical Genetics. 2 (2001). Р. 5.
Waller J. C., et al. Prevalence of congenital anomaly syndromes in a Spanish Gypsy population // Journal of Medical Genetics. 29: 7 (1992). Р. 483.
Gazal S., et al. High level of inbreeding in final phase of 1000 Genomes Project // Scientific Reports. 5 (2015).
Глава 4. Конец расы
Uglow J. The Lunar Men: The Friends Who Made the Future 1730–1810. – Faber and Faber, 2003.


Galton F. Cutting a round cake on scientific principles // Nature. Vol. 75 (1906). Р. 173.
Galton F. On the Anthropometric Laboratory at the late International Health Exhibition // Journal of the Anthropological Institute. 14 (1884). Р. 12.
Galton F. Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry Into Its Laws and Consequences. – Macmillan, 1869.
Hirschfeld L., Hirschfeld H. Serological Difference between the blood of different races: the result of researches on the Macedonian Front // The Lancet Vol. 194: 5016 (1919). Р. 673–718.
Schneider W. H. The History of Research on Blood Group Genetics: Initial Discovery and Diffusion // History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 18 (1996). Р. 282.


О дедушке Розалинд Франклин:
Piper A. Light on a Dark Lady // Trends in Biochemical Sciences Vol. 23 (1998). Р. 151–4


Классический труд Ричарда Левонтина о биологии рас
Lewontin R. C. The Apportionment of Human Diversity // Evolutionary Biology. 6 (1972). Р. 381–98.
Данная статья подробно обсуждалась на протяжении многих лет, поскольку это сложная тема. Ричард Докинз и Ян Вонг обсуждали эту работу в книге The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005; в русском переводе – «Рассказ предка». – CORPUS, 2015), а Энтони Эдвардс критиковал Левонтина в 2003 году в статье Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy (BioEssays. 25: 8. Р. 798–801).


Об ушной сере, толщине волос и форме зубов
Sato T., et al. Allele frequencies of the ABCC11 gene for earwax phenotypes among ancient populations of Hokkaido, Japan // Journal of Human Genetics. Vol. 54: 7 (2009). Р. 409–13.
Nakano M., et al. A strong association of axillary osmidrosis with the wet earwax type determined by genotyping of the ABCC11 gene // BMC Genetics.10: 42 (2009).
Kamberov Y.G., et al. Modeling Recent Human Evolution in Mice by Expression of a Selected EDAR Variant // Cel.l 152 (2013). Р. 691–702.


Об исследованиях рас и ДНК Розенбергом
Rosenberg N. A., et al. Genetic Structure of Human Populations // Science. Vol. 298: 5602 (2002). Р. 2381–5.
Raff J. Nicholas Wade and race: building a scientific façade www.violentmetaphors.com (21 May 2014)
Reuter S. The Genuine Jewish Type: Racial Ideology and Anti-Immigrationism in Early Medical Writing about Tay-Sachs Disease // The Canadian Journal of Sociology. 31: 3 (2006). Р. 291–323.
Hughey M. W., Goss D. R. A Level Playing Field? Media Constructions of Athletics, Genetics, and Race, // The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 661: 1 (2015). Р. 182–211.
Vancini R. L., et al. Genetic aspects of athletic performance: the African runners phenomenon // Open Access J Sports Med. 5: (2014). Р. 123–7.
Глава 5. Самая удивительная карта, созданная человеком
ENCODE Project Consortium
Birney E., et al. Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1 % of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project // Nature. Vol. 447: 7146 (2007). Р. 799–816.


О причинах гемофилии А и ее описании в Талмуде
Rosner F., Pierce G. F. Correspondence: Hemophilia A // The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 330: 1617 (1994).
Waller J. C. The birth of the twin study – a commentary on Francis Galton’s «The History of Twins» // International Journal of Epidemiology. 41: 4 (2012). Р. 913–17.
Martinez-Frias M. L., Bermejo E. Prevalence of congenital anomaly syndromes in a Spanish Gypsy population // Journal of Medical Genetics. 29 (1992). Р. 483–486.
Vanscoy L. L., et al. Heritability of lung disease severity in cystic fibrosis // American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Vol. 175 (2007). Р. 1036.
Manolio T. A., et al. Finding the missing heritability of complex diseases // Nature. Vol. 461: 7265 (2009). Р. 747.


О методе GWAS
Klein R. J., et al. Complement Factor H Polymorphism in Age-Related Macular Degeneration // Science. Vol. 308: 5720 (2005). Р. 385–9.
The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls // Nature. Vol. 447 (2007). Р. 661–78.
Sturm R. A., Larsson M. Genetics of human iris colour and patterns //Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research. 5 (2009). Р. 544.


Физики шутят: Статья Альфера-Бете-Гамова
Alpher R. A., Bethe H., Gamow G. The Origin of Chemical Elements // Physical Review. Vol. 73: 7 (1 April 1948). Р. 803–4.


Об умении сворачивать язык трубочкой
Matlock P. Identical twins discordant in tongue-rolling // Journal of Heredity. Vol. 43 (1952). Р. 24.
Sturtevant A. H. A new inherited character in man // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol. 26 (1940). Р. 100–2.
Latham J. The failure of the genome, Guardian, 17 April 2011.
James O. Sorry, but you can’t blame your children’s genes // Guardian, 30 March 2016.
Глава 6. Судьба
Штат Теннесси против Дэвиса Брэдли Уолдроупа-мл. (2011) Результаты судебного разбирательства в округе Полк (State of Tennessee v. Davis Bradley Waldroup, Jr. (2011). Criminal Court for Polk County. № 08-101).
Brooks-Crozier J. The nature and nurture of violence: early intervention services for the families of MAOA-LOW children as a means to reduce violent crime and the costs of violent crime // Connecticut Law Review. 44: 2 (2011).
Lenders J.W. M., et al. Specific genetic deficiencies of the A and B isoenzymes of monoamine oxidase are characterized by distinct neurochemical and clinical phenotypes // Journal of Clinical Investigation. Vol. 97: 4 (1996). Р. 1010–19.
Frazzetto G., et al. Early trauma and increased risk for physical aggression during adulthood: the moderating role of MAOA genotype // PLOS ONE. 2: 5 (2007).
Gibbons A. Tracking the Evolutionary History of a «Warrior» Gene // Science. Vol. 304: 5672 (2004). Р. 818.
Caspi A., et al. Role of genotype in the cycle of violence in maltreated children // Science. Vol. 297: 5582 (2002). Р. 851–4.
Lea R., Chambers G. Monoamine Oxidase, Addiction, and the «Warrior» Gene Hypothesis // The New Zealand Medical Journal. Vol. 120: 1250 (2007).
McDermott R., et al., Monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) predicts behavioral aggression following provocation // PNAS. Vol. 106: 7 (2009). Р. 2118–23.
Beaver K. M., et al. Monoamine oxidase A genotype is associated with gang membership and weapon use // Comprehensive Psychiatry. Vol. 51: 2 (2010). Р. 130–4.
Tiihonen J., et al. Genetic background of extreme violent behavior // Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. 20: 6 (2015). Р. 786–92.
Hogenboom M. Two genes linked with violent crime // BBC Online, 28 October 2014.
Hunter P.The Psycho Gene // EMBO Reports. 11: 9 (2010). Р. 667–9.
«Ruthlessness gene» discovered by Michael Hopkin // Nature, 4 April 2008.


Об Адаме Лэнзе
Kolata G. Seeking Answers in Genome of Gunman // New York Times, 24 December 2012.
Etchells P. J., et al. Prospective Investigation of Video Game Use in Children and Subsequent Conduct Disorder and Depression Using Data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children // PLOS ONE. 11: 1 (2016).
Myers P. Z. Fishing for meaning in a dictionary of genes // Pharyngula, 27 December 2012.


О «голодной зиме» в Голландии
Banning C. Food Shortage and Public Health, First Half of 1945 // The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 245: The Netherlands during German Occupation (May 1946). Р. 93–110.
Stein A. D., Lumey L. H. The relationship between maternal and offspring birth weights after maternal prenatal famine exposure: the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study // American Journal of Human Biology. Vol. 72: 4 (2000). Р. 641–54.
Kaati G., et al. Cardiovascular and diabetes mortality determined by nutrition during parents’ and grandparents’ slow growth period // European Journal of Human Genetics.10: 11 (2002). Р. 682–8.
Pembrey M., et al. Human transgenerational responses to early-life experience: potential impact on development, health and biomedical research // Journal of Medical Genetics. Vol. 51: 9 (2014). Р. 563–72.
Chopra Deepak,Tanzi R. You Can Transform Your Own Biology
Глава 7. Краткое введение в будущее человечества
Fu W., O’Connor T. D., et al. Analysis of 6,515 exomes reveals the recent origin of most human protein-coding variants // Nature. Vol. 493 (2013). Р. 216–20.
Pandit J. J., et al. A hypothesis to explain the high prevalence of pseudo-cholinesterase deficiency in specific population groups // European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Vol. 28 (2011). Р. 550.
Reich D., et al. Reconstructing Indian population history // Nature. Vol. 461 (2009). Р. 489–94.
Moorjani P., et al., Genetic Evidence for Recent Population Mixture in India // The American Journal of Human Genetics. Vol. 93: 3 (2013). Р. 422–38.
Bolund E., et al. Effects of the demographic transition on the genetic variances and covariances of human life-history traits // Evolution. Vol. 69 (2015). Р. 747–55.
Rolshausen G., et al. Contemporary Evolution of Reproductive Isolation and Phenotypic Divergence in Sympatry along a Migratory Divide // Current Biology. 19: 24 (2009). Р. 2097–101.
Eliot T. S., Little Gidding / Four Quartets. – Faber and Faber, 1942. Воспроизводится с разрешения издательства.
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