Книга: Говори как английская королева / The Queen’s English and how to use it
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Полемика должна быть правдивой, но в тоже время резкой и бескомпромиссной. Она не предполагает взвешенных суждений.
Преподобный Питер Маллен, The Daily Telegraph, 31/1/2008.
Несмотря на занимательность изложения, этот фрагмент представляет собой глубоко прочувствованную и смелую критику политической корректности в Церкви Англии, рискующую вызвать недовольство со стороны церковных властей:
I am trying to be a priest, but I haven’t time. When I was first appointed vicar . . . the diocesan annual returns were on one side of A4 . . . Nowadays, the annual returns are a foot thick and a bundle of perfidious obscurity, hedged about with health and safety and absurd questions about light bulbs, and serious inquiries as to what the PCC is doing to reduce our carbon footprint – all because the Church has taken up the pagan fantasy of global warming. I think the returns are devised in some Kafkaesque archidiaconal madhouse and calculated to be impossible to complete even over the whole year. . . . This is, of course, only political correctness tacked onto the failed collectivist socialist agenda that our rulers in the General Synod have foisted on us for a generation. . . . It’s a pantomime: a dumbed-down, clapped-out imitation of the entertainment industry combined with the newspeak of bureaucratic control. Once there was the Church of England. Now there is only the new Babel . . .
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