Книга: Говори как английская королева / The Queen’s English and how to use it
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Найдите ошибки и предложите варианты их исправления. Большинство примеров взяты из жизни; некоторые придуманы. Ошибки в биологических терминах должны быть вам понятны, даже если у вас нет специального образования в этой области.
1. The compound breaks down with time and looses its inhibitory effect.
2. We filled new barrels completely with cold water (about 220C) for 24 hours to let the staves re-hydrate.
3. Storing barrels on purpose made racks or even 3 on a pallet is very handy as you can move them about with a palate truck or fork lift.
4. The warp and weft of curriculum design is meshed through a competency based, holistic view of student learning.
5. ‘I couldn’t believe it when they sent me an email telling me that my Dad’s Army board game could insight violence and hatred.’
6. Neither sport has featured at the Albert Hall for around a decade, and the management failed to include them when it reapplied for a license following a change in the law in 2005.
7. This is particularly evident in Praa Sands, East of Penzance, where the geology and erosion has earned the area Site of Special Scientific Interest status.
8. Although there are many complicating factors (such as the affects of new ICT), teachers know that more than a decade of teaching to the test and prescriptive literacy and numeracy strategies have left students overschooled and undereducated.
9. Principals of treatment of exacerbations associated with emerging resistant bacteria. [Заголовок]
10. With just a roll of sticky white labels (£1.99 for 500 from most stationary stores) you can reuse every envelope which comes through your door.
11. The numbers of errors in each generation was more, not less, than what went before.
12. He travelled extensively and visited the courts in Europe were he was offered a wealth of opportunities.
13. His father, a lawyer, died when he was ten years old.
14. One bacteria and two fungus were plated on three mediums as seperate colonies.
15. The price that a breeder might get for his cow would depend on how many prizes he had got and not on his siring ability.
16. This book is based on lectures and clinical demonstrations of venereal diseases which the author has been giving to undergraduates for many years.
17. His first law states that he thought characters where past on from generation to generation by particulate factors.
18. The male fruit fly possesses sex combs on its front legs. These are not present in the female.
19. Short plants will only be produced in the absence of tall genes.
20. The fact of having sexes infers the process of sexual reproduction.
21. To finish we had figs roasted with port, nuts, coffee, and petit fours.
22. It was a similar winter, some years ago, that convinced Sid he needed a live in farm hand.
23. Continental breakfast was served in the Orangery, again peering down on a mist shrouded Thames.
24. Today Sparrow’s Vancouver based company, Saltworks Technologies Inc. is on the final development of a saltwater powered battery.
25. I was literally dead with fatigue.
26. People, who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones.
27. Personally, I think that English scholars often disagree with each other.
28. He was confidant that his affectations for her would soon illicit her love.
29. In the currant circumstances, it is essential to insure that you meet all our criterions.
30. It was pelting down with rain, the roads were soon running like rivers in spait.
1. Подразумевалось слово loses.
2. Вместо 220C должно быть 22˚С.
3. Purpose-made racks (составное прилагательное); three, pallet truck.
4. Сложное подлежащее, поэтому следует употребить are вместо is. Competency-based.
5. Incite, а не insight.
6. Licence (существительное).
7. Вместо East должно быть east. Geology and erosion have.
8. Effects, а не affects.
9. Principles. В заголовке наличие личной формы глагола необязательно.
10. Stationery.
11. Were more (не fewer).
12. Where вместо were.
13. Непонятно, к какому слову относится местоимение. Кто умер в возрасте десяти лет?
14. Bacterium, fungi, media, separate.
15. Запутанно! Так как корова женского рода, местоимение he предположительно относится к фермеру. Скорее всего студент имел в виду bull (бык), а не корову.
16. Двусмысленность. Неужели врач передавал студентам венерические заболевания? Лучше разделить на два предложения.
17. Законы не могут передавать чьи-либо мысли. Where нужно заменить на were, а past – на passed.
18. These, должно быть, относится к щетинкам (sex combs), а не к передним лапкам. Its лучше заменить на his.
19. Tall genes следует заменить на genes to tallness.
20. Implies, а не infer.
21. Инжир пожарили вместе со всем перечисленным? Необходимо добавить знаки препинания. Форма множественного числа от petit four – petits fours, так как прилагательное должно быть согласовано с определяемым существительным.
22. Live-in. Farm hand может писаться в одно слово.
23. Peering и т.д. – неполное предложение, отсутствует подлежащее.
24. Vancouver-based. После Inc. необходима закрывающая запятая. Saltwater-powered.
25. Неправильное употребление слова literally.
26. Ошибочная постановка запятых, так как предложение, если оно выделено запятыми, становится неограничительным (нерестриктивным), а должно быть ограничительным, ведь не все живут в стеклянных домах.
27. Personally лишнее. Двусмысленность: ученые Англии или ученые из Англии?
28. Confident. Вероятно, affections. А также elicit.
29. Current. И в этом контексте ensure более вероятно, чем insure. Criteria.
30. Spate. «Склейка запятой»; эти два независимых предложения следует соединить точкой с запятой или двоеточием.
Назад: Ясность речи