Книга: Человек + машина. Новые принципы работы в эпоху искусственного интеллекта
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Rubin B. F. Amazon’s Store of the Future Is Delayed. Now What? // CNET. 2017. June 20. URL: .


Overly S. The Big Moral Dilemma Facing Self-Driving Cars // Washington Post. 2017. February 20. URL: .


Hutson M. Why We Need to Learn to Trust Robots // Boston Globe. 2015. January 25. URL: .


Timms A. Leda Braga: Machines Are the Future of Trading // Institutional Investor. 2015, July 15. URL: .


Accenture Research Survey, January 2017; Rainie L., Anderson J. Code-Dependent: Pros and Cons of the Algorithm Age // Pew Research. 2017. February 8. URL: .
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