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Elia Zureik, David Lyon and Yasmeen Abu-Laban (eds.), Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine: Population, Territory and Power (London: Routledge, 2011); Elia Zureik, Israel’s Colonial Project in Palestine (London: Routledge, 2015); Torin Monahan (ed.), Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics and Power in Everyday Life (London: Routledge, 2006); Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, ‘E-Resistance and Technological In/Security in Everyday Life: The Palestinian case’, British Journal of Criminology, 52:1 (2012), 55–72; Or Hirschauge and Hagar Sheizaf, ‘Targeted Prevention: Exposing the New System for Dealing with Individual Terrorism’, Haaretz, 26 May 2017, , accessed 17 September 2017; Amos Harel, ‘The IDF Accelerates the Crisscrossing of the West Bank with Cameras and Plans to Surveille all Junctions’, Haaretz, 18 June 2017, , accessed 17 September 2017; Neta Alexander, ‘This is How Israel Controls the Digital and Cellular Space in the Territories’, 31 March 2016, , accessed 12 January 2018; Amos Harel, ‘Israel Arrested Hundreds of Palestinians as Suspected Terrorists Due to Publications on the Internet’, Haaretz, 16 April 2017, , accessed 15 January 2018; Alex Fishman, ‘The Argaman Era’, Yediot Aharonot, Weekend Supplement, 28 April 2017, 6.
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