Книга: 21 урок для XXI века
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Самой известной работой, конечно, остается Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man (London: Penguin, 1992).


Ayelet Shani, ‘The Israelis Who Take Rebuilding the Third Temple Very Seriously’, Haaretz, 10 August 2017, , accessed January 2018; ‘Israeli Minister: We Should Rebuild Jerusalem Temple’, Israel Today, 7 July 2013, , accessed 7 January 2018; Yuri Yanover, ‘Dep. Minister Hotovely: The Solution Is Greater Israel without Gaza’, Jewish Press, 25 August 2013, , accessed 7 January 2018; ‘Israeli Minister: The Bible Says West Bank Is Ours’, Al Jazeera, 24 February 2017, , accessed 29 January 2018.
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