Книга: Двойной агент Сторм в Аль-Каиде и ЦРУ
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Вскорепосле… бойцов«Фатх»: «Slain Lebanese Militant was Suspect in Failed German Bombing», The New York Times, 21 May 2007, and Hassan M Fattah, «Lebanese Army and Islamists Battle for Second Day», The New York Times, 22 May 2007; «Dozens killed in Lebanon gunbattle between Islamic militants, security forces», Associated Press, 20 May 2007; «Nowhere to put us», BBC, 23 May 2007. Подробнее о «Фатх-аль-Ислам» в лагере палестинских беженцев Нахр-эль-Барид, см. Muhammad Ali Khalidi and Diane Riskedahl, «The Road to Nahr al Barid», Middle East Research and Information Project, no. 244.
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