Книга: Влияние налогов на становление цивилизации
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John С. Calhoun, «Speech on the Slavery Question», March 4, 1850, in Edwin Rozweus, ed., The Carnes of the Civil War (Boston, 1961), p. 4.


Edward Pollard, The Lost Cause (New York, 1866; reprint 1970), pp. 61-62.


Ruffin, Anticipating the Future, Appendix.


George Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South on the Failure of Free Society (Richmond, Va., 1854), ch. V; William J. Grayson, «The Hireling and the Slave» (1854), in Selected Poems by William J. Grayson, comp. Mrs. William Armstrong (New York and Washington, D.C., 1907); By a White Republican, «Negros and Slavery in the United States», Fraser’s Magazine (London, February 1863), pp. 192 et seq.
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