Книга: Терапия настроения. Клинически доказанный способ победить депрессию без таблеток
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1. Scogin, F., Jamison, C., & Gochneaut, K. (1989). The comparative efficacy of cognitive and behavioral bibliotherapy for mildly and moderately depressed older adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 57, 403–407.
2. Scogin, F., Hamblin, D. & Beutler, L. (1987). Bibliotherapy for depressed older adults: A self-help alternative. The Gerontologist 27, 383–387.
3. Scogin, F., Jamison, C., & Davis, N. (1990). A two-year follow-up of the effects of bibliotherapy for depressed older adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 58, 665–667.
4. Jamison, C., & Scogin, F. (1995). Outcome of cognitive bibliotherapy with depressed adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63, 644–650.
5. Smith, N. M., Floyd, M. R., Jamison, C., & Scogin, F. (1997). Three-year follow-up of bibliotherapy for depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 65 (2), 324–327.
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