Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
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Дальше: CHAPTER 1.

Рыбаченко Олег Павлович
Putin And Trump Save The Universe



This summit promised to be historic. The presidents of the two most powerful Nations of the world were finally able to solve urgent problems one-on-one. And the situation in the world is very tense. And instability was growing around the globe. Like the infernal flame of a gigantic fire, roasted blue ball of the planet. It seemed a little more and the dynamite will explode, destroying the universe.
And this is a historic chance to reconcile the two poles.
The meeting was held in neutral territory, in the Swedish Palace of Stockholm. Very luxurious residence of kings. Very solemn meeting. With the orchestra, with the March guards. And maybe the chance to stop a new force erupted the cold war.
Presidents exchanged cold smiles, and evil views.
Trump firmly shook hands with Putin. And negotiations began behind closed doors.
The us President immediately took the bull by the horns:
- The situation in my country is that without serious concessions from the Russian side to compromise, we can't do that.
The Russian President said with a smile:
But I can't give you unilateral! If the assignment will be, it is mutual!
Donald trump hard noticed:
- Capturing Crimea, you have changed the balance of power in the world! And now we can't come to balance as long as there are territories occupied by Russia.
Putin dryly replied:
- We didn't occupy anyone. It was the choice of the Crimean people!
Trump slyly smiled and slyly noticed:
- When you lead troops on foreign territory, there, very dashing hold a referendum with a score under one hundred percent! Especially when Hitler annexed Austria!
The Russian President said quietly:
- If we hold a second referendum, and allow your observers to all your polling stations, do you recognize the Crimea?
Trump without offense noticed:
- Of course not! It is necessary that Ukraine agrees with this!
Putin said logically:
- I don't think we can agree! The return of Crimea to Ukraine is not even a discussed issue!
Trump grunted angrily:
- But Syria?
Putin nodded balding head:
- There are different options!
The U.S. President paused. He looked at the portraits of the Swedish kings. Here is the biggest, of course, Karl the twelfth. This is the loser monarch, perhaps the most popular in Sweden. Young, not too tall, with expressive eyes and a high forehead. Already in sixteen years, Charles won several victories, including the defeated near Narva much larger army of Peter the great. For some time the Swedish king won, but then luck turned away from him. Trump remembered that Charles the Twelfth also expected to raise Ukraine against Russia. But most of the Cossacks, and the local population was faithful to Peter The great. Then, Karl at all lost and fled to Turkey.
It's not exactly a pleasant memory. But... How many of the Sweden, and Russia. The US is overwhelmingly superior in both population and economic potential. And they to give?
Trump said cautiously:
- Assad is an odious person in the eyes of the us population. And he must go!
Putin responded typically:
- Do you want to give Syria to terrorists?
The tramp shrugged his shoulders and replied:
- The people of Syria will decide in free elections who will rule them!
Putin responded harshly:
- People have already chosen Assad!
Trump objected:
- Under authoritarian regimes, there are no fair elections!
The President of Russia logically noted:
- Only a tough regime can keep Islamists in check. You want it to be like Iraq?
Trump noticed banging his fist on the table:
- We will make sure that the democratic regime suppresses terrorists! And suppress the enemy by force!
Putin chuckled and offered:
- So suppress terrorists, but do not interfere with the life of the Syrian people! We are also not against democracy in Syria, but the people should not impose anything. Especially other people's models! We can look at spheres of influence, but not regime change. And, of course, we will not remove our bases from Syria!
Trump clenched his fists and angrily said:
- You support dictatorships everywhere!
The Russian President retorted:
- Dictatorship is a relative concept. In the US two parties dominate. What is not the Communist party split into slightly to the left and slightly to the right.
Trump responded harshly:
- Yeah! You formally have four parties, only one with a constitutional majority, and the rest have signed up for cooperation!
Putin wanted to answer, but suddenly She is... the Girl is tall, athletic figure and short skirt. High heels clicked, bare, tanned knees flashed. Hair in girls went down below shoulders,curls and shone like gold leaf. Face fresh and very nice, the pupils of the eyes shone emerald-sapphire crystal protein.
Actually it was such beauty, bright, defiant, yet gentle.
Trump and Putin glared at the girl. They were shocked. In the hands of the girls was a Golden tray, and two glass of scarlet wine.
The Russian President asked in surprise:
- Who are you?
The girl bared her pearly teeth in a smile and said::
- Captain Albina at your service! Drink wine from king Solomon's personal supply and you will see the world with much kinder eyes!
Putin also smiled back:
"I've heard of you, Albina, but I didn't think you were so beautiful.
Trump agreed, and extended his hand:
- I can't take my eyes off you! I've never seen anything so dazzling!
The girl was allowed to shake hands with the President and noticed:
- You will never agree, if you do not drink wine, giving wisdom and patience!
The Russian President nodded to Trump:
- Drink boldly! Security's on top!
The us President grinned and winked at the beauty replied:
- Of these pens, I would gladly even would have accepted even the poison.
Both leaders of the two great empires took wine glasses in their hands. Went nuts and said:
- Yes there will be peace!
And one spirit of drained crystal capacity.
Trump enthusiastically said:
And it became much easier and more fun!
Putin wanted to answer, but ... Suddenly everything spun in front of his eyes, as if they were on a centrifuge. Then, as if erupted at once, a thousand photoblitz... And all is lost - piled impenetrable darkness.


Дальше: CHAPTER 1.