Книга: Дом правительства. Сага о русской революции
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Nathan Wachtel, «Rebeliones y milenarismo» в: Juan M. OssioÑa., ed., Ideologia Mesiánica del Mundo Andino (Lima: Ignacio Prado Pastor, 1973), с. 118–123; Enrique Florescano, Memoria mexicana: ensayo sobre la reconstrucción del pasado: época prehispanica – 1821 (México, D. F.: Editorial J. Mortiz, 1987), с. 222; James Mooney, The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1965); Micheline E. Pesantubbee, «From Vision to Violence: The Wounded Knee Massacre» в: Wessinger, ed., Millennialism, с. 62–81; Bryan R. Wilson, Magic and the Millennium: A Sociological Study of Religious Movements of Protest among Tribal and Third-World Peoples (New York: Harper and Row, 1973), с. 221–36, 283–308; Euclides da Cunha, Os Sertões (1902), англоязычная версия: Euclides da Cunha, Rebellion in the Backlands (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1944); Robert M. Levine, Vale of Tears: Revisiting the Canudos Massacre in Northeast Brazil, 1893–1897 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992).
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