Книга: Организованный ум. Как мыслить и принимать решения в эпоху информационной перегрузки
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Shannon, B. (1987). Cooperativeness and implicature—a reversed perspective. New Ideas Psychology, 5(2), 289–293.


Anderson, J. S., Lange, N., Froehlich, A., Du Bray, M. B., Druzgal, T. J., Froimowitz, M. P. … Lainhart, J. E. (2010). Decreased left posterior insular activity during auditory language in autism. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 31(1), 131–139.
Harris, G. J., Chabris, C. F., Clark, J., Urban, T., Aharon, I., Steele, S. … Tager-Flusberg, H. (2006). Brain activation during semantic processing in autism spectrum disorders via functional magnetic resonance imaging. Brain and Cognition, 61(1), 54–68.
Wang, A. T., Lee, S. S., Sigman, M., & Dapretto, M. (2006). Neural basis of irony comprehension in children with autism: the role of prosody and context. Brain, 129(4), 932–943.
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