Книга: Организованный ум. Как мыслить и принимать решения в эпоху информационной перегрузки
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Это почти прямая цитата из Kolbert, E. (2012, July 2). Spoiled rotten.The New Yorker.


Teitell, B. (2012, July 10). Boxed in, wanting out. The Boston Globe.


Green, P. (2012, June 28). The way we live: Drowning in stuff. The NewYork Times, p. D2.


Kirschbaum, C., Wolf, O. T., May, M., Wippich, W., & Hellhammer, D. H. (1996). Stress-and treatment-induced elevations of cortisol levels associated with impaired declarative memory in healthy adults. Life Sciences, 58(17), 1475–1483.
Lupien, S. J., Nair, N. P. V., Briére, S., Maheu, F., Tu, M. T., … Meaney, M. J. (1999). Increased cortisol levels and impaired cognition in human aging: Implication for depression and dementia in later life. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 10(2), 117–140.
Melamed, S., Ugarten, U., Shirom, A., Kahana, L., Lerman, Y., & Froom, P. (1999). Chronic burnout, somatic arousal and elevated salivary cortisol levels. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 46(6), 591–598.
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