Справочные материалы, предоставленные Ханной Дален, профессором акушерства, университет Западного Сиднея
Dahlen, H.G., Downe, S., Wright, M.L., Kennedy, H.P., & Taylor, J.Y. (2015), ‘Childbirth and consequent atopic disease: Emerging evidence on epigenetic effects based on the hygiene and EPIIC hypotheses’, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Vol. 16(1), p4
Dahlen, H. (2015), ‘Why being born is good for you’, The Practising Midwife, Vol. 18(4), pp.10–13
Dahlen, H. (2015), ‘Can love and science co-exist in this debate?’ International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, Vol. 2(2), pp.40–41
Dahlen, H.G., Downe, S., Powell Kennedy, H., Foureur, M. (2014), ‘Is society being reshaped on a microbiological and epigenetic level by the way women give birth?’ Midwifery, Vol. 30(12), pp.1149–1151