Книга: Небеса на Земле: Научный взгляд на загробную жизнь, бессмертие и утопии
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Bless, H., D. L. Hamilton, and D. M. Mackie. 1992. “Mood effects on the organization of person information.” European Journal of Social Psychology 22: 497–509; Skowronski, J. J., and D. E. Carlston. 1989. “Negativity and extremity biases in impression formation: A review of explanation.” Psychological Review 105: 131–142; Dreben, E. K., S. T. Fiske, and R. Hastie. 1979. “The independence of evaluative and item information: Impression and recall order effects in behavior based impression formation.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 37: 1758–1768.
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