Книга: Небеса на Земле: Научный взгляд на загробную жизнь, бессмертие и утопии
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James and Friedman, When Children Grieve, p. 227.


Обзор литературы см. в: Corr, Charles A., and Donna M. Corr (ред). Handbook of Childhood Death and Bereavement. — New York: Springer, 1996.


Slaughter and Griffiths, 2007.


Shtulman, Andrew. Scienceblind: Why Our Intuitive Theories About the World Are So Often Wrong. — New York: Basic Books, 2017, p. 146.


Reiss, Diana. The Dolphin in the Mirror: Exploring Dolphin Minds and Saving Dolphin Lives. — New York: Mariner Books, 2012.


Alves, F., C. Nicolau, A. Dinis, C. Ribeiro, and L. Freitas. «Supportive Behavior of Free-Ranging Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) Toward Dead Neonates, with Data on Perinatal Mortality». Acta Ethologica. doi:10.1007/s10211-014-0210-8, 2014.
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