Книга: Небеса на Земле: Научный взгляд на загробную жизнь, бессмертие и утопии
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См. также: Schuck, Andreas R. T., and Janelle Ward. «Dealing with the inevitable: strategies of self-presentation and meaning construction in the final statements of inmates on Texas death row». Discourse and Society, 19 (1), 2006, pp. 43–62; Kelly, B. D., and S. R. Foley. «Love, spirituality, and regret: Thematic analysis of last statements from Death Row, Texas (2006–2011)». Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 41 (4), 2013, pp. 540–550; Johnson, R., L. C. Kanewske, and M. Barak. «Death row confinement and the meaning of last words». Laws, 3 (1), 2014, pp. 141–152.
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