Книга: Смотреть и видеть
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Dani Shapiro, Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2014).


Bill Connor, Fear Not, Introverts, Oratorio, 05.03.2013.


Susan Cain, 10 Public Speaking Tips for Introverts, Psychology Today, 25.07.2011, .


Margaret Snowling, D. V. M. Bishop, & Susan E. Stothard, Is Preschool Language Impairment a Risk Factor for Dyslexia in Adolescence? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry vol. 41, № 5 (07/2000): 587–600; Bruce A. Bracken, ed., The Psychoeducational Assessment of Preschool Children (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004): 181–84; M. Perkins, Preschool Children with Inadequate Communication: Developmental Language Disorder, Autism, Mental Deficiency, Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 75, № 5 (05/1997): 480.
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