Книга: Смотреть и видеть
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Hilary Spurling, Matisse the Master: A Life of Henri Matisse, the Conquest of Colour, 1909–1954. (New York: A. A. Knopf, 2005): 161–63.


Great Figures of Modern Art: Henri Matisse, Центр Помпиду, Париж, http://mediation.centrepompidou.fr.


Tali Sharot, Mauricio R. Delgado, Elizabeth A. Phelps, How Emotion Enhances the Feeling of Remembering, Nature Neuroscience, 07.12.2004.


Ulrike Rimmele et al., Emotion Enhances the Subjective Feeling of Remembering, Despite Lower Accuracy for Contextual Details, Emotion vol. 11, № 3 (06/2011): 553–62; Elizabeth A. Kensinger, Remembering the Details: Effects of Emotion, Emotion Review vol. 1, № 2 (04/2009): 99–113; Elizabeth A. Kensinger & Daniel L. Schacter, Retrieving Accurate and Distorted Memories: Neuroimaging Evidence for Effects of Emotion, NeuroImage vol. 27, № 1 (01.08.2005): 166–77.
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