Книга: Что значит быть собакой. И другие открытия в области нейробиологии животных
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K. N. Kay, T. Naselaris, R. J. Prenger, and J. L. Gallant, “Identifying Natural Images from Human Brain Activity,” Nature 452 (2008): 352–356; S. Nishimoto, A. T. Vu, T. Naselaris, Y. Benjamini, B. Yu, and J. L. Gallant, “Reconstructing Visual Experiences from Brain Activity Evoked by Natural Movies,” Current Biology 21 (2011): 1641–1646; T. Naselaris, C. A. Olman, D. E. Stansbury, K. Ugurbil, and J. L. Gallant, “A Voxel-Wise Encoding Model for Early Visual Areas Decodes Mental Images of Remembered Scenes,” NeuroImage 105 (2015): 215–228.
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