K. Bonnie et al., “Spread of Arbitrary Conventions Among Chimpanzees: A Controlled Experiment,” Proc Royal Soc of London B 274 (2007): 367; M. Dindo et al., “In-group Conformity Sustains Different Foraging Traditions in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella),” PLoS ONE 4 (2009): e7858; D. Fragaszy and E. Visalberghi, “Socially Biased Learning in Monkeys,” Learning Behav 32 (2004): 24; L. Aplin et al., “Experimentally-Induced Innovations Lead to Persistent Culture via Conformity in Wild Birds,” Nat 518 (2014): 538. Исследование, в котором не удалось повторить основные открытия де Вааля: E. Van Leeuwen et al., “Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Flexibly Adjust Their Behaviour in Order to Maximize Payoffs, Not to Conform to Majorities,” PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e80945.