Книга: Биология добра и зла. Как наука объясняет наши поступки
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L. J. Kamin and A. S. Goldberger, “Twin Studies in Behavioral Research: A Skeptical View,” Theoretical Population Biol 61 (2002): 83.


M. Stoolmiller, “Correcting Estimates of Shared Environmental Variance for Range Restriction in Adoption Studies Using a Truncated Multivariate Normal Model,” Behav Gen 28 (1998) 429; M. Stoolmiller, “Implications of Restricted Range of Family Environments for Estimates of Heritability and Nonshared Environment in Behavior-Genetic Adoption Studies,” Psych Bull 125 (1999): 392; M. McGue et al., “The Environments of Adopted and Non-adopted Youth: Evidence on Range Restriction from the Sibling Interaction and Behavior Study (SIBS),” Behav Gen 37 (2007): 449.
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