Книга: От Ленина до Путина. Россия на Ближнем и Среднем Востоке
Назад: 143
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Беседа с Е.Д. Пырлиным, май 1990 г.


См.: Нosтеr Т., Wolfe Th. W. Soviet Policy and Practice toward Third World Conflicts. Lexington, 1983. С. 18, 24.


См.: Pajak K.F. Soviet Arms Transfers as an Instrument of Influence. Survival. 1981. № 4. С. 166; Brzosha M., Ohlson T. Arms Transfer to the Third World 1971–1985. N.Y., 1987; Ofter G. Soviet Military Aid to the Middle East — an Economic Balance Sheet in Soviet Economy in a New Perspective. — U.S. Congress. Joint Economic Committee, 94th Congress, 2d session. С. 216–239.
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