Книга: Естественные эксперименты в истории
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Howard Bodenhorn. Entry, Rivalry, and Free Banking in Antebellum America // Review of Economics and Statistics. 1990. № 72. P. 682–686; Howard Bodenhorn. The Business Cycle and Entry into Early American Banking // Review of Economics and Statistics. 1993. № 75. P. 531–535; Andrew Economopoulos and Heather O’Neill. Bank Entry during the Antebellum Period // Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 1995. № 27. P. 1071–1085; Kenneth Ng. Free Banking Laws and Barriers to Entry in Banking, 1838–1860 // Journal of Economic History. 1988. № 48. P. 877–889; Hugh Rockoff. The Free Banking Era: A Reexamination // Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 1974. № 6. P. 141–167; Hugh Rockoff. New Evidence on Free Banking in the United States // American Economic Review. 1985. № 75. P. 886–889.
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