Книга: Естественные эксперименты в истории
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David Vincent. Literacy and Popular Culture in England, 1750–1914. Cambridge, 1989, а также: The Rise of Mass Literacy: Reading and Writing in Modern Europe. Malden, MD, 2000; Jon P. Klancher. The Making of English Reading Audiences, 1790–1832. Madison, WI, 1987; Patricia Anderson. The Printed Image and the Transformation of Popular Culture, 1790–1860. Oxford, 1991; Yrjo Kaukianen. Shrinking the World: Improvements in the Speed of Information Transmission, c. 1820–1870 // European Review of Economic History. 2001. № 5. P. 20; Allan R. Pred. Urban Systems Development and the Long-Distance Flow of Information through Pre-electronic US Newspapers // Economic Geography. 1971. № 47. P. 498–524.
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