Книга: Взлеты и падения государств. Силы перемен в посткризисном мире
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Martin Paldam, “Inflation and Political Instability in Eight Latin American Countries,” Public Choice 52, no. 2 (1987): 143–68.


Marc Bellemare, “Rising Food Prices, Food Price Volatility, and Social Unrest,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, June 26, 2014.


“World Bank Tackles Food Emergency,” BBC News, April 14, 2008.


Neil Irwin, “Of Kiwis and Currencies: How a 2 % Inflation Target Became Global Economic Gospel,” New York Times, December 19, 2014.


Jim Reid, Nick Burns, and Seb Barker, “Long-Term Asset Return Study: Bonds: The Final Bubble Frontier?” Deutsche Bank Markets Research Report, September 10, 2014.
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