Книга: Homo Deus. Краткая история будущего
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Gregg, Are Dolphins Really Smart?; Nicola S.Clayton, Timothy J. Bussey, and Anthony Dickinson, ‘Can Animals Recall the Past and Plan for the Future?’, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4:8 (2003), 685–691; William A. Roberts, ‘Are Animals Stuck in Time?’, Psychological Bulletin 128:3 (2002), 473–489; Endel Tulving, ‘Episodic Memory and Autonoesis: Uniquely Human?’, in The Missing Link in Cognition: Evolution of Self-Knowing Consciousness, ed. Herbert S. Terrace and Janet Metcalfe (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 3–56; Mariam Naqshbandi and William A. Roberts, ‘Anticipation of Future Events in Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and Rats (Rattus norvegicus): Tests of the Bischof-Kohler Hypothesis’, Journal of Comparative Psychology 120:4 (2006), 345–357.
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