Книга: Изобретение науки. Новая история научной революции
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Три случая, в которых Флорио следует Монтеню: ‘I have no body to blame for my faultes or misfortunes, but my selfe. For in effect I seldome use the advise of other[s] unlesse it be for complements sake, and where I have need of instruction or knowledge of the fact’ (Montaigne. Essayes, 1613. 456); ‘True it is, that proofes and reasons grounded upon the fact and experience. [sic] I untie not: for indeede they have no end; but often cut them, as Alexander did his knotte’ (582); ‘And were it not, that what I doe for want of memorie, others more often doe the same for lacke of faith, I would ever in a matter of fact rather take the truth from anothers mouth, then from mine owne’ (605). Там, где у Монтеня «Je vois ordinairement que les hommes, aux faicts qu’on leur propose, s’amusent plus volontiers à en chercher la raison qu’à en chercher la verité», у Флорио ‘I ordinarily see, that men, in matters proposed them, doe more willingly ammuze and busie themselves in seeking out the reasons, than in searching out the trueth of them’ (578). А там, где у Монтеня «joinct qu’à la verité il est un peu rude et quereleux de nier tout sec une proposition de faict», у Флорио ‘since truely, it is a rude and quarelous humour, flatly to deny a proposition’ (579).
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