Книга: Один день из жизни мозга. Нейробиология сознания от рассвета до заката
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Quiroga, R. Q., Fried, I.&Koch, С. 'Brain cells for grand mother. Scientific American, 308, 30–5(2013).


Biederman, I. 'Recognition-by-components: a theory of human image understanding. Psychological Review, 94, 115–47 (1987); Marr, D.&Nishihara, H. K. 'Representation and recognition of the spatial organization of three-dimensional shapes'. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 200, 269–94 (1978); Vetter, Т., Hurlbert, A.&Poggio, T. 'View-based models of 3D object recognition: invariance to imaging transformations'. Cerebral Cortex, 5, 261 -9 (1995); and Logothetis, N. K.&Pauls, J. 'Psychophysical and physiological evidence for viewer-centered object representations in the primate'. Cerebral Cortex, 5, 270–88 (1995).
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