Книга: Один день из жизни мозга. Нейробиология сознания от рассвета до заката
Назад: 347
Дальше: 349


Alexander, I., Cowey, А.&Walsh, V. 'The right parietal cortex and time perception: back to Critchley and the Zeitraffer phenomenon'. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22, 306–15 (2005); Koch, G. et al. 'Underestimation of time perception after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation'. Neurology, 60, 1844–6 (2003); Danckert, J. et al. 'Neglected time: impaired temporal perception of multisecond intervals in unilateral neglect'. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 1706–20 (2007).
Назад: 347
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