Книга: От Трумэна до Рейгана. Доктрины и реальности ядерного века
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R. Вarnet. Real Security. Restoring American Power in a Dangerous Decade. New York, 1981, p. 12.


Ibid., pp. 104–105.


America in Crisis. Ed. by R. Lee and D. Palmer. Cambridge (Mass. ), 1972; Social Problems. Private Troubles and Public Issues. Ed. by A. Birenbaum and E. Sagarin. Scribner, 1972; Social Problems in American Society. Ed. by J. Henslin and L. Reynolds. Boston, 1973; The Dissent and the Governed. Readings on the Democratic Process. Ed. by J. Livingston and R. Thompson. New York, 1972.
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