Книга: Основы международного корпоративного налогообложения
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The 1923 Report on Double Taxation. League of Nations Doc E.F.S.73 F.19 at Part II, Section I.A. The Basis of Taxation.


Ibid. P. 23.


Double Taxation and Tax Evasion. Report and Resolutions submitted by the Technical Experts to the Financial Committee. 1925 (F.212); Draft of a Bilateral Convention for the Prevention of Double Taxation and Tax Evasion. Report presented by the Committee of Technical Experts on Double Taxation and Tax Evasion. 1927 (C.216.M.85.1927.II); Double Taxation and Tax Evasion. League of Nations, Fiscal Committee, London and Mexico Model Tax Conventions, Commentary and Text, 1946 (C.88.M.88.1846.II.A); The Elimination of Double Taxation. The First Report of the Fiscal Committee of the O.E.E.C. 1958.
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