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Ekkehard of Aura, pp. 134–6.


Guibert of Nogent, I.5, pp. 102–3.


Baldric of Dol, I, p. 14.


Fulcher of Chartres, I.3.ii – iii, pp. 65–6.


William of Apulia, IV, p. 212.


Sibt al-Jawzi, p. 244; Bar Hebraeus, 1, pp. 230–1.


Raymond of Aguilers, XIII, pp. 108–9; William of Tyre, I.7, 1, pp. 116–17; Albert of Aachen, VI.31, p. 442.


S. Goitein, A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza, 6 vols. (Princeton, 1967–93), pp. 308–14. См. также: S. Goitein, 'Jerusalem in the First Arabic period', in Jewish Settlements in Palestine in the Beginning of the Islamic and the Crusade Period, in the Light of the Geniza (Jerusalem, 1980); M. Gil, 'Political History of Jerusalem', in J. Prawer (ed.), Book of Jerusalem, The First Islamic Period, 638–1099 (Jerusalem, 1991).
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