Книга: Страсти в нашем разуме. Стратегическая роль эмоций
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Bonacich Р. Norms and Cohesion аs Adaptive Responses to Political Conflict: An Experimental Study // Sociometry. 1972. Vol. 35. P. 357-375; Rapoport A., Chammah А., Dwyer J., Gyr J. Three-Person Non-Zero-Sum Nonnegotiable Games // Behavioral Science. 1962. Vol. 7. P. 30-58; Bixenstein V., Levitt P.A., Wilson K.R. Collaboration among Six Persons in a Prisoners Dilemma Game // Journal of Conflict Resolution. 1966. Vol. 10. P. 488-496; Brechner K. An Experimental Analysis of Social Traps // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 1977. Vol. 13. P. 552-564; Edney J., Harper P. The Effects of Information in a Resource Management Problem: A Social Trap Analog // Human Ecology. 1978. Vol. 6. P. 387-395.
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