Книга: Страсти в нашем разуме. Стратегическая роль эмоций
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Bohm P. Estimating Demand for Public Goods: An Experiment // European Economic Review. 1972. Vol. 3. P. 111-130; Sweeney J. An Experimental Investigation of the Free Rider Problem // Social Science Research. 1973. Vol. 2. P. 277-292; Smith A. The Wealth of Nations. N.Y.: Everyman’s Library. 1910 [1776]; Marwell G., Ames R. Economists Free Ride... P. 295-310; Isaac R.M., Walker J.M., Thomas S.H. Divergent Evidence on Free Riding: An Experimental Examination of Possible Explanations // Public Choice. 1984. Vol. 43. P. 113-149; Isaac R.M., McCue K., Plott P. Public Goods Provision in an Experimental Environment // Journal of Public Economics. 1985. Vol. 26. P. 51-74; Isaac R.M., Walker J.M. Group Size Hypotheses of Public Goods Provision: An Experimental Examination / University of Arizona Working Paper. 1985; Andreoni J. Why Free Ride / University of Wisconsin Working Paper. 1986; Dawes R., Orbell J., van de Kragt A. Cooperation in the Absence of Incentive Compatibility / Carnegie Mellon University Working Paper. 1986.
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