Книга: Страсти в нашем разуме. Стратегическая роль эмоций
Назад: 191
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Gazzaniga М. The Social Brain. P. 81.


Rushton J.P. Altruism, Socialization, and Society. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1980.


Ibid. P.3.


Hornstein Н., Fisch Е., Michael H. Influence of a Model's Feelings about His Behavior and His Relevance as a Comparison Other on Observers' Helping Behavior // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1968. Vol. 10. P. 220-226; Hornstein H., Masor H., Sole K., Heilman M. Effects of Sentiment and Completion of a Helping Act on Observer Helping // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1971. Vol. 17. P. 107-112.
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