Книга: Страсти в нашем разуме. Стратегическая роль эмоций
Назад: 102
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DePaulo B., Zuckerman M., Rosenthal R. Humans as Lie Detectors. P. 130.


Zuckerman M., DePaulo B., Rosenthal R. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication... P. 139.


Zuckerman М., DePaulo В., Rosenthal R. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication...


DePaulo B., Rosenthal R. Ambivalence, Discrepancy, and Deception in Nonverbal Communication // Skill in Nonverbal Communication / ed. by R. Rosenthal. Cambridge, Mass.: Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain, 1979.
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