Книга: Сеть и бабочка. Как поймать гениальную идею. Практическое пособие
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Sharon Eldar and Y. Bar-Haim, «Neural Plasticity in Response to Attention Training in Anxiety», Psychological Medicine 40, no. 04 (2010): 667–77.


Leo Babauta, Focus: A Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction (Grand Haven, Mich.: Brilliance Audio, 2011).


Все последующие ссылки на работу д-ра Келли Макгонигал: Kelly McGonigal, PhD, The Willpower Instinct (New York: Avery, 2012): 42.


Susan Burton, «Terry Gross and the Art of Opening Up», The New York Times, October 21, 2015.


Aymeric Guillot, Kevin Moschberger, and Christian Collet, «Coupling Movement with Imagery as a New Perspective for Motor Imagery Practice», Behavioral and Brain Functions 9, no. 1 (2013): 1.
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