Каталог книжного собрания
1. Descartes, René (1596—1650)
Renatus Des Cartes de homine, figuris, et latinitate donatus a Florentio Schuyl… Lugduni Batavorum, apud Petrum Leffen & Franciscum Moyardum, 1662. 18 p.l.,121 (i.e., 123), [1] p. illus. plates. 21 cm. [Written in 1633, suppressed, and unpublished before 1662.]
ENGLISH: Treatise of Man [.] [By] René Descartes [.] French text with translation and commentary by Thomas Steele Hall [.] Harvard University Press [,] Cambridge, Massachusetts [,] 1972 [.] xlviii, [2],232 p. illus. 24 cm.
2. Descartes, René (1596—1650)
Renati Des Cartes [,] meditationes de prima philosophia, in quibus Dei existentia, & animae à corpore distinctio, demonstratur… Tertia edition prioribus auctior & emendatior… Amstelodami, Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. 1650. 6 p.l.,191, [1] p. 20 cm. [Published with an: ] Appendix, continens obiectiones quintas & septimas in Renati Des-cartes meditationes de primâ philosophia, … altera ad celeberrimum virum D. Gisbertum Voetium … [with a special titlepage]
Amstelodami, Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, M. DC. XL. IX [1649], [and separate paging,] 164 p. [and: ] Epistola Renati Des Cartes ad celeberrimum virum D. Gisbertum Voetium … [with a special half-title and separate paging,] 88 p. [First published as: Renati Des-Cartes, meditationes de prima philosophia, in qua Dei existentia et animae immortalitas demonstratur. Parisiis, Apud Michaelem Soly, 1641.]
ENGLISH: Six Metaphysical Meditations; Wherein It is Proved That There is a God. And That Man’s Mind is Really Distinct from His Body. Written originally in Latin by Renatus Descartes. Hereunto are added the objections made against these meditations. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. With the authors answers. All faithfully translated into English, with a short account of Des-cartes’s Life. By William Molyneux… London: Printed by B.G. for Benj. Tooke … 1680. 8 p.l.,160 p. 17 1/2 cm.
3. Descartes, René (1596—1650) Les passions de l’ame. Par René Des Cartes. A Paris, Chez Henry LeGras… M. DC. XL. IX … [1649.] 24 p.l.,286 p. 16 1/2 cm.
ENGLISH: The Passions of the Soule in Three Books. The First, Treating of the Passions in Generall, and Occasionally of the Whole Nature of Man. The Second, of the Number, and Order of the Passions, and the Explication of the Six Primitive Ones. The Third, of Particular Passions. By R. des Cartes. And translated out of French into English. London, Printed for A.C. and are to be sold by J. Martin, and J. Ridley … 1650. 15 p.l.,173 p. 14 cm.
4. Malebranche, Nicolas (1638—1715)
Father Malebranche’s Treatise Concerning The Search after Truth. The Whole Work Compleat. To which is Added The Author’s Treatise of Nature, and Grace. Being A Consequence of the Principles Contain’d in the Search: Together with His Answer to the Animadversions upon the First Volume: His Defense against the Accusations of Mr. De la Ville, etc. Relating to the same Subject. All translated by T. Taylor, M.A. … Oxford, Printed by L. Lichfield, for Thomas Bennet Bookseller, … London. M. DC. XCIV. [1694]. 6 p.l.,172 (i.e.,176), [4],10,203, [1],42 p. diagrams. 33 1/2 cm. [First published in French as De la recherche de la vérité, o_ l’on traitte de la nature de l’esprit de l’homme, & de l’usage qu’il en doit faire pour éviter l’erreur dans les sciences. Ã Paris, Chez André Pralard, 1674—1675. 2 vols.]
5. Spinoza, Benedictus de [Spinoza, Baruch] (1632—1677)
B. d. S. Opera posthuma, quorum series post praefationem exhibetur. … M. DC. LXXVII. [Amstelodami, J. Rieuwertsz, 1677.] 20 p.l.,614, [34],112, [8] p. diagrams. 21 1/2 x 17 cm.
ENGLISH: Benedict de Spinoza; His Life, Correspondence, and Ethics. By R. Willis, M.D. … London: Trübner & Co., … 1870. xliv, [2],647, [1] p. 23 cm.
6. La Mettrie, Julien Offray de (1709—1751)
L’homme machine… Ã Leyde, De l’Imp. d’Elie Luzac, Fils, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. 10 p.l.,109, [1] p. 14 1/2 cm. [There are three French editions of 1748. The «W» edition has 108 pages and is exceptionally rare. The «X» edition has 109 pages with errors of «W» corrected; it is the standard edition. The «Y» edition has 148 pages, with additional corrections possibly by La Mettrie, but is possibly a pirated edition.]
ENGLISH: Man a Machine. Translated from the French of the Marquiss D’Argens. London: Printed for W. Owen, 1749. 87 p. 12mo.
7. Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges (1757—1808)
Rapports du physique et du moral de l’homme, par P.J.G. Cabanis… De l’imprimerie de Crapelet. A Paris, Chez Crapart, Caille et Ravier, … an X – 1802. 2 vols. xliv,484; [4],624 p. 20 cm. [Portions of the Rapports first appeared in the Mèmoires des sciences et arts: sciences morales et politiques. Paris… Baudouin, imprimeur de l’Institut national, 1798,1799,1801,1803.]
ENGLISH: On the Relation Between the Physical and Moral Aspects of Man [.] by Pierre-Jean-George Cabanis [.] Edited by George Mora, with introductions by Sergio Moravia and George Mora [.] Translated by Margaret Duggan Saidi [from the second edition, reviewed, corrected and enlarged by the author, 1805] … The Johns Hopkins University Press [,] Baltimore and London [.] [1981]. 2 vols. xci, [i],357, [1]; [4],363—796 p. port. 25 cm.
8. Hodgson, Shadworth Holloway (1832—1912)
The Theory of Practice [.]An Ethical Enquiry in Two Books [.] By Shadworth H. Hodgson. … London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. 1870. 2 vols. xii,566; viii,501, [1] p. 22 1/2 cm.
9. Carpenter, William Benjamin (1813—1885)
Principles of Mental Physiology, with their Applications to the Training and Discipline of the Mind, and the Study of its Morbid Conditions.By William B. Carpenter… London, Henry S. King & Co., … 1874. xxi, [1],737, [1] p. illus. 20 1/2 cm.
10. Lewes, George Henry (1817—1878)
The Physical Basis of Mind.With Illustrations. Being the Second Series of Problems of Life and Mind. By George Henry Lewes. London: Trübner & Co., …1877. xiv, [2],493, [3] p. illus. 23 cm.
11. Prince, Morton (1854—1929)
The Nature of Mind and Human Automatism.By Morton Prince, M.D., …Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company. … 1885. x,173, [1] p. 20 cm.
12. Gall, Franz Josef (1758—1828) and Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar [Spurzheim, Johann Kaspar; Spurzheim, Johann Christoph] (1776—1832)
Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier, avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoiter plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l’homme et des animaux, par la configuration de leurs têtes; par F.J. Gall et G. Spurzheim. Premier – [quatrième] volume… Paris, F. Schoell, … 1810—1819. 4 vols. + atlas. 2 p.l.,lix, [1],352; 2 p.l.,466, [2]; 4 p.l.,xxxiii, [1],372; 3 p.l.,404 p.; atlas: 1 p.l., 100 plates (1 fold). 31 cm., atlas: 55 cm.
13. Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre (1794—1867)
Recherches expérimentales sur les propriétés et les fonctions du système nerveux, dans les animaux vertébrés; par P. Flourens. A Paris, Chez Crevot [,] … 1824. 2 p.l.,xxvi,331, [3] p. 20 cm.
ENGLISH: Flourens, Pierre. Investigations of the properties and the functions of the various parts which compose the cerebral mass. [Pp. 85—122]. In: Some Papers on the Cerebral Cortex [.] Translated from the French and German by Gerhardt von Bonin [.] … Charles C. Thomas… Publisher [,] Springfield, Illinois … [1960.] Pp. 3—21.
14. Bain, Alexander (1818—1903)
The Senses and the Intellect.By Alexander Bain… London: John W. Parker and Son … 1855. xxxi, [1],614 p. illus. 22 1/2 cm. The Emotions and the Will.By Alexander Bain… London: John W. Parker and Son … 1859. xxviii,649, [1] p. 22 1/2 cm.
15. Spencer, Herbert (1820—1903)
The Principles of Psychology.By Herbert Spencer… London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. 1855. viii,620 p. 22 cm.
16. Broca, Pierre Paul (1824—1880)
Remarques sur le siége de la faculté du langage articulé, suivies d’une observation d’aphémie (perte de la parole), par M. Paul Broca, … Bulletins de la société anatomique de Paris, 1861, année 36, 2ème serie, tome 6, 330—357.
ENGLISH: Broca, Paul. Remarks on the seat of the faculty of articulate language, followed by an observation of aphemia. In: Some Papers on the Cerebral Cortex [.] Translated from the French and German by Gerhardt von Bonin [.] … Charles C. Thomas… Publisher [,] Springfield, Illinois … [1960.] Pp. 49—72.
17. Jackson, John Hughlings (1835—1911)
Clinical and Physiological Researches on the Nervous System.(Reprints.) No. 1. – On the Localisation of Movements in the Brain. By J. Hughlings Jackson, … [Reprinted from the «Lancet,» 1873.] J. and A. Churchill … [1875.] 2 p.l.,xlviii,37, [1] p. 21 1/2 cm.
18. Ferrier, David (1843—1928)
The Functions of the Brain [.]By David Ferrier, … London [,] Smith, Elder, & Co., … 1876 [.] xv, [1],323, [1] p. 22 cm.
19. Mesmer, Franz Anton (1734—1815)
Mémoire sur la découverte du magnétisme animal; par M. Mesmer, … A Geneve; Et se trouve A Paris, Chez P. Fr. Didot le jeune, Libraire-Imprimeur de Monsieur, … M. DCC. LXXIX. [1779]. 2 p. l.,vi,85, [3] p. 17 cm.
ENGLISH: Mesmerism [.] by Doctor Mesmer (1779)[.] Being the first translation of Mesmer’s historic Mémoire sur la découverte du magnétisme animal to appear in English [.] With an Introductory Monograph by Gilbert Frankau (1948) [.] Macdonald: London [.] [1948.] frontis,63, [1] p. illus., ports. 18 1/2 cm.
20. Puységur, Armand-Marie-Jacques de Chastenet, Marquis de (1751—1825)
Mémoires pour servir a l’histoire et a l’établissement du magnétisme animal. … [Paris,] 1784. 3 p. l., [7] -170, [1] p. 20 cm.
21. Braid, James (ca.1795—1860)
Neurypnology; or, the Rationale of Nervous Sleep, Considered in Relation with Animal Magnetism.Illustrated by Numerous Cases of Its Successful Application in the Relief and Cure of Disease. By James Braid, … London: John Churchill, … Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh. 1843. xxii,265, [1] p. 17 1/2 cm.
22. Liébeault, Ambroise Auguste (1823—1904)
Du sommeil et des états analogues considérés surtout au point de vue de l’action du moral sur le physique [,] par A.-A. Liébeault… Paris [,] Victor Masson et fils …; Nancy [,] Nicolas Grosjean, … 1866 [.] 535, [1] p. 22 cm.
23. Charcot, Jean-Martin (1825—1893)
Leçons sur les maladies du système nerveux faites à la Salpétriere [.] Par J.-M. Charcot… Recueillies et publiées par [Desiré Maglivre] Bourneville [.] … Paris [: ] Adrien Delahaye, Libraire-Éditeur [,] 1872—1873. [vi],368 p., plates. 22 1/2 cm. [Originally issued in 4 parts, paginated as: [iv],96; 97—192, 193—256, [viii],257—368 p. A second volume, also in 4 parts, was issued between 1873 and 1877; and a third volume appeared in 1883 under the editorship of Babinski, Bernard, Féré, Guinon, Marie et Gilles de la Tourette].
ENGLISH: Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous System. Delivered at La Salpétrière, by
J.M. Charcot, … Translated by George Sigerson, M.D., … London: The New Sydenham Society. MDCCCLXXVII [1877.] xiii, [3],325, [1] p., plates, 22 1/2 cm. [The second and third volumes appeared in translation in 1881 and 1889.]
24. Bernheim, Hippolyte (1840—1919)
De la suggestion dans l’état hypnotique et dans l’état de veille [.] par Le Dr. Bernheim… Paris [,] Octave Doin, … 1884 [.] 110 p. 24 1/2 cm.
ENGLISH: Suggestive Therapeutics [.] A Treatise on the Nature and Uses of Hypnotism [.] By H. Bernheim, M.D. … Translated from the second and revised French edition by Christian A. Herter, M.D. … New York & London [,] G.P. Putnam’s Sons … 1889 [.] xvi,420 p. diagrs., facsims. 23 ½ cm.
25. Janet, Pierre-Marie-Félix (1859—1947)
L’automatisme psychologique [;] essai de psychologie expérimentale sur les forms inférieures de l’activité humaine [,] par Pierre Janet… Paris [,] Ancienne Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie [,] Félix Alcan, Éditeur … 1889 [.] 4 p.l.,496 p. diagrs. 22 cm.
26. Breuer, Josef (1842—1925) and Freud, Sigmund (1856—1939)
Ueber den psychischen Mechanismus hysterische Phänomene. (Vorläufige mittheilung.) Von Dr. Josef Breuer und Dr. Sigm. Freud… Neurologische Centralblatt, 1893, 12te jahrgang [Leipzig: Verlag von Veit & Comp.], 4—10, 43—47.
ENGLISH: … Studies in Hysteria, by Dr. Joseph Breuer and Dr. Sigmund Freud; authorized translation with an introduction by A.A. Brill… New York and Washington, Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1936. ix,241 p. 23 1/2 cm. [Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series. No. 61 – a translation of Studien über Hysterie von Dr. Jos. Breuer und Dr. Sigm. Freud [.] Leipzig und Wien. Franz Deuticke 1895, which supplemented the original paper with additional material].
27. Locke, John (1632—1704)
An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding.In four books… London, Printed by Eliz. Holt, for Thomas Basset, at the George in Fleetstreet, near St. Dunstan’s church. MDCXC. [i.e., 1689.] 6 p.l.,362, [22] p. 32 cm. [The first issue of the «1690» edition carries «SS» on titlepage printed correctly, the typographical ornament aligned, dedication undated, «certainly» altered to «extremely» on A3v, and «some» added on A4.]
28. Berkeley, George (1685—1753)
An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision [.] By George Berkeley… Dublin: Printed by Aaron Rhames… for Jeremy Pepyat, … MDCCIX. [1709.] xiv, [10],187 p. illus. diagrs. 19 1/2 cm.
29. Hartley, David (1705—1757)
Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations.In Two Parts. By David Hartley…London; Printed by S. Richardson; For James Leake and Wm. Frederick, 1749. 2 vols. xix, [i],iv, [5] -512; xv, [1],iv, [5] -455, [13] p. 20 cm.
30. Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de (1715—1780)
Traité des sensations, a Madame la Comtesse de Vassé, Par M. l’Abbé de Condillac, … A Londres; & se vend a Paris, Chez de Bure l’aîné, … M.DCC.LIV. [1754.] 2 vols. 1 p.l.,vi,345, [1]; 2p. l.,335, [1],port., errata p. 18 cm.
ENGLISH: Condillac’s Treatise on the Sensations [.] Translated by Geraldine Carr [.] With a preface by Professor H. Wildon Carr [.] University of Southern California [.] School of Philosophy [.] Los Angeles [,] MCMXXX [.] [1930.] xxxvii, [1],250 p. incl. mounted frontis. (port). 22 1/2 cm.
31. Reid, Thomas (1710—1796)
An Inquiry into the Human Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense.By Thomas Reid, D.D. … Edinburgh: Printed for A. Millar, London, and A. Kincaid & J. Bell, Edinburgh. MDCCLXIV. [1764.] xvi,541, [1] errata p. 21 cm.
32. Kant, Immanuel (1724—1804)
Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht [,] abgefasst von Immanuel Kant. … Königsberg. [,] bei Friedrich Nicolovius [,] 1798. xiv,334, [2] p. 20 1/2 cm.
ENGLISH: Immanuel Kant [.] Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View [.]Translated, with an introduction and notes, by Mary J. Gregor [.] Martinus Nijhoff/The Hague/1974 [.] xxvii,210 p. 24 cm.
33. Bell, Charles (1774—1842)
Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain; Submitted for the Observations of His Friends; By Charles Bell, … [London: Strahan and Preston, 1811.] 36 p. 18 1/2 cm.
34. Brown, Thomas (1778—1820)
Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind.By the Late Thomas Brown, M.D. … Edinburgh: Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. for W. and C. Tait, … and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London. 1820. 4 vols. viii,587, [1]; viii,607, [1]; viii,638; viii,615, [1] p. 22 cm.
35. Herbart, Johann Friedrich (1776—1841)
Psychologie als Wissenschaft, neu gegründet auf Erfahrung, Metaphysik und Mathematik. Von Johann Friedrich Herbart, … Königsberg, 1824—1825. Auf kosten des verfassers, und in commision bei August Wilhelm Unzer. 2 vols. xiv,390; xxviii,541, [1] errata p. 20 1/2 cm.
ENGLISH: Herbart, Johann Friedrich. Psychology as a science, newly founded on experience, metaphysics and mathematics. [Vol. 1, pp. 158—183]. In: Classics in Psychology. Edited by Thorne Shipley… Philosophical Library [,] New York [.] [1961.] Pp. 22—50.
36. Purkyne, Jan Evangelista (1787—1869)
Beobachtungen und Versuche zur Physiologie der Sinne, von Johann Purkinje, … Zweites bändchen.
Neue beiträge zur kenntnis des sehens in subjectiver hinsicht. Mit 4 kupfertafeln. Berlin [,] 1825, gedruckt und verlegt bei G. Reimer. viii,192 p., 4 fold. plates. 21 cm. [The first volume of the Beobachtungen, Purkyne’s dissertation, first appeared as: Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Sehens in subjectiver Hinsicht. Prag, In commission bei J.G. Calve, 1819.]
37. Weber, Ernst Heinrich (1795—1878)
De pulsu, resorptione, auditu et tactu. Annotationes anatomicae et physiologicae [,] auctore Ernesto Henrico Weber… Lipsiae… C.F. Koehler. 1834. xv, [1],175, [1] p. 25 cm.
ENGLISH: De subtilitate tactus [De tactu, pp. 44—174 of De pulsu…] In: E.H. Weber: The Sense of Touch. De Tactu translated by H.E. Ross [;] Der Tastsinn translated by D.J. Murray. With a preface by J.D. Mollon and a historical introduction by the translators [.] 1978 [,] Published for Experimental Psychology Society by Academic Press [,] London… New York… San Francisco [.] Pp. 19—135.
38. Müller, Johannes (1801—1858)
Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen für Vorlesungen. Von Dr. Johannes Müller… Coblenz, Verlag von J. Hölscher. 1834—1840. 2 vols. iv, [iii] -viii, v-xvi,852; vi,780, [2] p.
ENGLISH: Elements of Physiology. By J. Müller, M.D. … Translated from the German, with notes. By William Baly, M.D. … London: Printed for Taylor and Walton, … 1838—1842. 2 vols. xxii, [ii],848; [ii],xxiii-xxxviii, [iv],849—1715, [1],22 p. front. illus., plates. 22 1/2 cm.
39. Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1801—1887)
Elemente der Psychophysik [.] von Gustav Theodor Fechner. Leipzig, druck und verlag von Breitkopf und Härtel. 1860. 2 vols. xiv,336; xii,571, [1] errata p. 22 1/2 cm.
ENGLISH: Elements of Psychophysics [.] Volume I [.] [All published.] Gustav Fechner [.] Translated by Helmut E. Adler [.] … Edited By Davis H. Howes … [and] Edwin G. Boring… With an introduction by Edwin G. Boring [.] … Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. New York … [1966.] xxxi, [3],286 p. 22 cm.
40. Wundt, Wilhelm Max (1832—1920)
Beiträge zur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung. Von Dr. Wilhelm Wundt, … Leipzig und Heidelberg. C.F. Winter’sche Verlagshandlung. 1862. xxxii,451, [1] p. 21 cm. [Issued in 6 parts from 1858 to 1862.]
ENGLISH: Wundt, Wilhelm. Contributions to the theory of sensory perception. [Introduction, pp. xi-xxxii]. In: Classics in Psychology. Edited by Thorne Shipley… Philosophical Library [,] New York [.] [1961.] Pp. 51—78.
41. Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von (1821—1894)
Handbuch der physiologischen Optik. Bearbeitet von H. Helmholtz, … Mit 213 in den text eingedruckten holzschnitten und 11 tafeln. Leipzig, Leopold Voss. 1867. xiv,874, [2] p. illus.; atlas: 11 plates (2 fold.) [with separate title page: Atlas von Elf Tafeln zu H. Helmholtz Handbuch der physiologischen Optik… Leipzig, Leopold Voss. 1867.] 23 1/2 cm. [Issued in parts from 1856 to 1866.]
ENGLISH: Helmholtz’s Treatise on Physiological Optics, Translated from the 3d German ed. Edited by James P.C. Southall. … [Rochester, NY: ] The Optical Society of America, 1924—1925. 3 vols. port.,xxi,482; viii, [2],480,3 plates; x, [2],736 p.,6 plates. 27 1/2 cm.
42. Donders, Franciscus Cornelis (1818—1889)
Die Schnelligkeit psychischer Processe. Erster Artikel. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie, und
wissenschaftliche Medicin, 1868, 657—681.
ENGLISH: Donders, F.C. On the speed of mental processes. Acta Psychologica, 1969, 30, 412—431.
43. Wundt, Wilhelm Max (1832—1920)
Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1874. xii,870 p. illus. 23 cm. [Issued in parts in 1873 and 1874].
ENGLISH: Principles of Physiological Psychology [.] By Wilhelm Wundt… Translated from the fifth German edition (1902) By Edward Bradford Titchener… Vol. I. [all published] … London [,] Swan Sonnenschein & co., lim. New York: The Macmillan co. 1904 [.] xvi,347, [1] p. illus. 23 1/2 cm.
44. Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803—1882)
Representative Men: Seven Lectures. By R.W. Emerson. Boston, Phillips, Sampson and Company, 1850. 285p. 19 cm.
45. James, William (1842—1910)
…The Principles of Psychology [.] By William James… New York [,] Henry Holt and Company [,] 1890 [.] 2 vols. 1 p.l.,xii,689, [1]; 1 p.l.,vi,704,8 adverts. p. illus. 22 cm. [The first issue is dated 1890 on the titlepage and carries the wording «The Principles of Psy-/chology» on the series page opposite the titlepage, all later issues simply say «Psychology.»]
46. James William (1842—1910)
William James on Exceptional Mental States [,] The 1896 Lowell Lectures [.] [Reconstructed by] Eugene Taylor [.] New York [: ] Charles Scribner’s Sons [,] 1983 [.]
47. James, William (1842—1910)
The Varieties of Religious Experience [,] A Study in Human Nature [.] Being the Gifford Lectures on Natural Religion Delivered at Edinburgh in 1901—1902 [.] By William James, … Longmans, Green, and Co. … New York [,] London and Bombay [,] 1902 [.] 2 p.l.,xii,534, [2] p. 22 1/2 cm.
48. James, William (1842—1910)
Does ’consciousness’ exist? Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 1904, 1,, 477—491.
49. James, William (1842—1910)
…Philosophical Conceptions and Practical Results [.] The Annual Public Address Before the [Philosophical] Union [of the University of California] August 26, 1898 [.] By William James… Berkeley [,] The University Press [,] 1898 [.] 24 p. 23 cm.
50. James, William (1842—1910)
Pragmatism [,] A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking [: ] Popular Lectures on Philosophy [,] by William James… Longmans, Green, and Co. … London [,] New York, Bombay, and Calcutta [,] 1907 [.] [xiii], [1],309, [1] p. 21 1/2 cm