1. «A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform»,
https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/ White-Paper#ethereum.
«On Silos», https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/12/31/silos/. 2.
Глава I. Что такое блокчейн?
1. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-paper.
Под биткоин-«максимализмом» понимают мнение, согласно которому биткоин удерживает свои позиции за счет всех других проектов, связанных с блокчейном или криптовалютами, потому что максималисты считают, что нужна только одна блокчейн-технология и одна валюта для достижения желаемых преимуществ сети. 2.The Untapped Potential of Corporate Narratives. http:// edgeperspectives.typepad.com/edge_perspectives/2013/10/theuntapped-potential-of-corporate-narrative s.html. 3.Myerson, Roger B. (1991). 4. Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict, Harvard University Press. Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, and Marshall Pease, 5. The Byzantine Generals Problem. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/ lamport/pubs/byz.pdf. IT Does not Matter 6. , . PayPal website, http://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/about 7. Personal communication with Vitalik Buterin, February 2016. Byzantine fault tolerance, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Byzantine_fault_tolerance. 8.Proof-of-stake, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof-of-stake. 9.
Глава II. Как блокчейн завоевывает доверие
1. «The Fortune Cookie Principleтм», Bernadette Jiwa, http:// thestoryoftelling.com/fortune-cookie-principle/. Smart Contracts, Nick Szabo, http://szabo.best.vwh.net/smartcontractsidea.html. 2.The Ricardian Contract, Ian Grigg, http://iang.org/papers/ ricardiancontract.html. 3.Digital Identity on Blockchain: Alex Batlin’s «prediction», Alex Batlin, http://fintechnews.ch/803/blockchain_bitcoin/ digital-identity-on-blockchain-alex-batlins-prediction/. 4. PrivaTegrity – David Chaum’s Anonymous Communications Project, SecurityWeek, http://www.securityweek.com/ privategrity-david-chaums-anonymous-communications-project. 5.Less-techy: What is Web 3.0, Gavin Wood, http://gavwood.com/web3lt.html. 6.
Глава III. Препятствия, вызовы и косность мышления
1. A term popularized in Clayton Christensen’s book ( The Innovator’s Dilemma) suggesting that successful companies can put too much emphasis on customers’ current needs, and fail to adopt new technology or business models, https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TheInnovator%27sDilemma. List of U.S. executive branch czars, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ ListofU.S.executivebranchczars. Source: Author’s sample survey of market leaders, April 2016. 2. Java, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Java_%28programming_language%29. 3. IDC Study, http://www.infoq.com/news/2014/01/ IDC-software-developers. 4. Это популярные языки программирования. 5.https://cryptoconsortium.org/ 6.
Глава IV. Блокчейн и финансовые задачи
1. PayPal «Who we are», . The Pulse of FinTech, 2015 in Review, KPMG and CB Insights, https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2016/03/the-pulseof-fintech.pdf. 2. «The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) provides a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment». (Source: Wikipedia) http://swift.com/. 3. «Virtual Rivals», 4. The Economist, 2000, http://www.economist.com/ node/348364. «My Financial Stack as a Millennial», Sachin Rekhi, . sachinrekhi.com/my-financial-stack-as-a-millennial. 5.Update to the Global Landscape of Blockchain Companies in Financial Services, William Mougayar, http: 6.//startupmanagement. org/2015/12/08/update-to-the-global-landscape-of-blockchaincompanies-in-financial-services/. «Blockchain 2015: Strategic Analysis in Financial Services», William Mougayar, http://www.slideshare.net/wmougayar/ blockchain-2015-analyzing-the-blockchain-in-financial-services. 7.«Ethereum-inspired Clearmatics to save OTC markets from eternal darkness», Ian Allison, IBTimes, . co.uk/ethereum-inspired-clearmatics-save-otc-markets-eternaldarkness-1545180. 8.
Глава V. Передовые отрасли и новые посредники
1. «Bitcoin and the Three Laws of Robotics, Let’s Talk Bitcoin», https:// letstalkbitcoin.com/bitcoin-and-the-three-laws-of-robotics#.UjjO0mTFT7v, 2013. «Do Peers Really Want to Govern Their Platforms?», Brad Burnham, Union Square Ventures, https://www.usv.com/ post/54c7abcd570e2300033262e6/do-peers-really-want-to-governtheir-platforms, 2015. 2.BitNation Public Notary (BPN), https://bitnation.co/notary/. 3.«Bitnation and Estonian Government Start Spreading Sovereign Jurisdiction on the Blockchain», IB Times, Ian Allison, in-1530923, November 2015. 4.«Ukraine Government Plans to Trial Ethereum Blockchain-Based Election Platform», Bitcoin Magazine, ion-platform-1455641691, February 2016. 5.BoardRoom, http://boardroom.to/. 6. Otonomos, otonomos.com. 7.List of countries by Fragile States Index, Wikipedia, https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Fragile_States_Index. 8.«Guartime Secures over a Million Estonian Healthcare Records on the Blockchain», Ian Allison, IB Times, guardtime-secures-over-million-estonian-healthcare-recordsblockchain-1547367, March 2016. 9.«Blockchain in Healthcare: From Theory to Reality», Jonathan Cordwell, http://blogs.csc.com/2015/10/30/ blockchain-in-healthcare-from-theory-to-reality/. 10.«Partnering with RWE to Explore the Future of the Energy Sector», Stephan Tual, 745sc. 11.«Blockchain-based Microgrid Gives Power to Consumers in New York», New Scientist, article/2079334-blockchain-based-microgrid-gives-power-toconsumers-in-new-york/, March 2016. 12.«Bitcoin Could Help Cut Power Bills», BBC, http://www.bbc.com/ news/technology-35604674. 13.Grid Singularity, http://gridsingularity.com/. 14.
Глава VI. Реализация технологии блокчейна
1. Ira Magaziner, . «List of U.S. executive branch czars», https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars. 2.MaidSafe, http://maidsafe.net/. 3.
Глава VII. Децентрализация как путь вперед
1. The Use of Knowledge in Society, F. A. Hayek, http://www.kysq.org/ docs/Hayek_45.pdf, 1945. Web We Want, https://webwewant.org. 2.Dodd – Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Wikipedia, _ Wall_Street_Reform_and_Consumer_Protection_Act. 3.«Stablization Will not Save Us», Nassim Nicholas Taleb, New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/24/opinion/stabilizationwont-save-us.html?_r=0. 4.Michael Spence, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Michael_Spence. 5.Carlota Perez, Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles andGolden Ages, Elgar Online, 2002. 6.