Книга: Византия. Удивительная жизнь средневековой империи
Назад: Часть I Основы Византии
Дальше: Часть III Византия становится средневековым государством

Часть II
Переход от античности к средневековью

Глава 8
Оплот против ислама

Эпиграф к главе: Chronicle of Dionysios of Tel – Mahre, tr. Andrew Palmer, The Seventh Century in the Weat – Syrian Chronicles (Liverpool, 1993). P. 212.
Judith Herrin, The Formation of Christendom (Oxford and Princeton, 1987).
Henry Pirenne, Mohammad and Charlemagne (London, 1939).
Patricia Crone and Michael Cook, Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World (Cambridge, 1977).
Richard Fletcher, The Cross and the Crescent: Christianity and Islam from Muhammad to the Reformation (London, 2003).
Vasso Pennas, “The Island of Orovi in the Argolid: Bishopric and Administrative Centre”, Studies in Byzantine Sigillography 4, Nikolas Oikonomides, ed. (1995). P. 163–172.

Глава 9
Иконы, новая христианская художественная форма

Эпиграф к главе: Sermon of Eustaphios of Thrace, in E. A. Wallis Budge, Saint Michael the Archangel: Three Encomiums (London, 1894). P. *79 – *80.
Lucy-Ann Hunt, “For the Salvation of a Woman’s Soil: an icon of St Michael described within a medieval Coptic context”, in Anthony Eastmond and Liz James, eds., Icon and Word: The Power of Images in Byzantium (Aldershot, 2003). P. 205–302.
Hans Belting, Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image Before the Era of Art, tr. Edmund Jephcott (Chicago, 1994).
Michele Bacci, ‘“With the Paintbrush of the Evangelist Luke”, Mother of God’, in Vassilaki, ed., Representations of the Virgin in Byzantine Art. P. 79–89.
Averil Cameron, “The Language of Images: the Rise of Icons and Christian Representation” in D. Wood, ed. The Church and the Arts, Studies in Church History 28 (Oxford, 1992). P. 1–42.
Thomas F. Mathews, Byzantium: Fron Antiquity to the Renaissance (New York, 1998).
Robin Cormack, Writings in Gold: Byzantine Society and its Icons (London, 1985).
Maria Vassilaki, ed., Images of the Mother of God: Perceptions of the Theotokos on Byzantium (Ashgate, 2005), esp. Thomas F. Mathews and Norman Muller, “Isis and Mary in early icons”. P. 3–11.

Глава 10
Иконоборчество и иконопочитание

Эпиграфы к главе: Daniel Sahas, ed. and tr., Icon and Logos: Sources in Eighth – Century Iconoclasm… (Toronto, 1986). P. 96, 101; и St John of Damascus, On the Divine Images: Three Apologies Against those who Attack the Divine Images, tr. D. Anderson (Crestwood, New York, 1980). P. 64, 72.
Robin Cormack, Painting the Soul: Icons, Death Masks and Shrouds (London, 1997).
Charles Barber, Figure and Likeness: On the Limits of Representation in Byzantine Iconoclasm (Princeton, 2002).
Judith Herrin, Women in Purple: Rulers of Medieval Byzantium (London and Princeton, 2001).

Глава 11
Грамотное и красноречивое общество

Эпиграф к главе: Kekaumenos, Book of Advice and Anecdote, unpublished translation by Charlotte Rouché (перевод, любезно предоставленный автору).
Robert Browning, “Teachers” in Gugielmo Cavallo, ed., The Byzantines (Cicago, 1997)
Averil Cameron and Judith Herrin, eds., Constantinople in the Early Eighth Century: The Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai (Leiden, 1984).
Liliana Simeonova, Diplomacy of the Letter and the Cross: Photios, Bulgaria and the Papacy, 860s – 880s (Amsterdam, 1998).
Информацию об основателе алгебры читайте на www – history.mcs.st – andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Al – Khwarizmi.html
Catherine Holmes and Judith Waring, eds., Literacy, Education and Manuscript Transmission in Byzantium and Beyond (Leiden, 2002).

Глава 12
Святые Кирилл и Мефодий, «апостолы славян»

Эпиграф к главе: The Vita of Constantine and the Vita of Methodius, tr. Marvin Kantor and Richard Stephen White (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1976). P. 49.
V. Vavfinek, “The Introduction of the Slavonic Liturgy and the Byzantine Missionary Policy” in Beiträge zur byzantinischen Geschichte im 9–11. Jh. (Prague, 1978). P. 255–284.
V. Vavfinek and B. Zástĕrová, “Byzantium’s Role in the Formation of Great Moravian Culture”, Byzantinoslavica 43 (1982). P. 161–188.
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