When you attempt to run this Python program, you should see that some of our Philosophers may get a chance to eat before releasing both locks. However, very quickly, you will see that every fork has been acquired by a Philosopher, and it's now stuck in a state where it's attempting to acquire the right fork.
In the following output, you will see all of our dining philosophers doing a combination of thinking, eating, and acquiring and releasing forks. However, after a certain amount of time, you will, eventually, hit the scenario where all the philosophers have acquired all left forks, and are unable to proceed further, as follows:
Marx has started thinking
Russell has started thinking
Aristotle has finished thinking
Marx has finished thinking
Aristotle has acquired the left fork
Aristotle has attained both forks, currently eating
Aristotle has released the right fork
Aristotle has released the left fork
Aristotle has finished thinking
Russell has finished thinking
Kant has finished thinking
Spinoza has finished thinking
Aristotle has acquired the left fork
Marx has acquired the left fork
Russell has acquired the left fork
Kant has acquired the left fork
Spinoza has acquired the left fork